Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Contracts with Industry

  • EDF R&D

    We participate to a contract between INRIA and EDF R&D which was granted a 6 month funding (apr. – sept. 2011). It aims at optimizing the communications of YACS, the workflow engine of the SALOME simulation platform, using our PadicoTM communication framework.

  • STMicroelectronics

    STMicroelectronics is paying the CIFRE PhD Thesis of Paul-Antoine Arras on The development of a flexible heterogeneous system-on-chip platform using a mix of programmable processing elements and hardware accelerators from October 2011 to October 2014.

  • Total

    Total funded a study (apr. – sept. 2011) on porting sparse matrix computations and system resolution on heterogeneous platforms for oil extraction simulations.