Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs

  • Program: FP7

  • Project acronym: PASSPORT

  • Project title: PAtient Specific Simulation and PreOperative Realistic Training for liver surgery

  • Duration: May 2008 - November 2011

  • Coordinator: IRCAD

  • Other partners: ETH, Computer Vision Laboratory (Switzerland), Technische Universität München, Computer-Aided Medical Procedures (Germany), Imperial College London (UK), Inserm (France), Storz (Germany), Université de Strasbourg (France), Universität Leipzig, Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (Germany),

  • Abstract: PASSPORT (PAtient Specific Simulation and PreOperative Realistic Training for liver surgery), is a 3-year project that deals directly with the objectives of the "Virtual Physiological Human" ICT-2007.5.3 objective. Indeed, PASSPORT's aim is to develop patient-specific models of the liver which integrates anatomical, functional, mechanical, appearance, and biological modeling. To these static models, PASSPORT will add dynamics liver deformation modeling and deformation due to breathing, and regeneration modeling providing a patient specific minimal safety standardized FLR. These models, integrated in the Open Source framework SOFA, will culminate in generating the first multi-level and dynamic "Virtual patient-specific liver" allowing not only to accurately predict feasibility, results and the success rate of a surgical intervention, but also to improve surgeons' training via a fully realistic simulator, thus directly impacting upon definitive patient recovery suffering from liver diseases.