S4 is a joint project of Inria , CNRS and the University of Rennes 1, within Irisa (UMR 6074).

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Benoît Caillaud [Team Leader, Junior Researcher, HdR]

Eric Badouel [Junior Researcher, HdR]

Albert Benveniste [Senior Researcher, part-time in S4 , HdR]

Philippe Darondeau [Senior Researcher, HdR]

Faculty Member

Sophie Pinchinat [Professor, HdR]

PhD Students

Bastien Maubert

Benoît Delahaye [Research Technologist, funded by the CESAR European project until 30 June 2011]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Timothy Bourke [Post-Doctoral Fellow, until 31 october 2011, started 16 November 2009, funded by the Synchronics large-scale initiative action of INRIA]

Uli Farhenberg

Administrative Assistants

Laurence Dinh [TR, part-time in S4 , until 14 November 2011]

Angélique Jarnoux [TR, part-time in S4 , from 15 November 2011]