Section: Software
Participants : Amit Sangroya, Dàmian Serrano, Sara Bouchenak [correspondant] .
MRB is a software framework for benchmarking the performance and dependability of MapReduce distributed systems. It includes five benchmarks covering several application domains and a wide range of execution scenarios such as data-intensive vs. compute-intensive applications, or batch applications vs. interactive applications. MRB allows to characterize application workload, faultload and dataload, and it produces extensive performance and dependability statistics.
ACM: C.2.4 Distributed Systems, C.4 Performance of Systems
Keywords: Benchmark, performance, dependability, MapReduce, Hadoop, Cloud Computing
Software benefit: the first performance and dependability benchmark suite for MapReduce systems.
License: TBD
Type of human computer interaction: GUI and command-line interface
OS/Middleware: Windows, Linux, MacOS X
Programming language: Java, Unix Shell scripts