Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
INRIA International Partners
François Charoy has been invited by NICTA (National ICT Australia Ltd) in the team of Anna Liu during his stay in Australia to contribute to a project involving BPM and the Cloud. This work is ongoing.
Visits of International Scientists
Victor Grishchenko, post-doc, TU Delft visited our group for two days in February 2011.
Ilaria Liccardi, postdoc in In-situ INRIA team in Paris who finished her Phd thesis at University Southampton visited our group for one day in September 2011.
Participation In International Programs
GIS Interop Grande Région
Participants : Nacer Boudjlida [responsible] , Khalid Benali, François Charoy, Olivier Perrin.
Following the INTEROP Network of Excellence, the INTEROP V-Lab (International Virtual Laboratory on interoperability, ) has been officially created in Brussels on March 2007 as an international non-profit making association. In this context, Nancy played also a leading role in the definition of the V-Lab and in the settlement of the so-called INTEROP Grande Region pole, a partner of the INTEROP V-Lab . On behalf of UHP Nancy 1, Nacer Boudjlida is the legal representative of this pole in the V-Lab and he is also the head of its management board. The Grande Region pole encompasses University of Namur, University of Paris I La Sorbonne, University Henri Poincaré Nancy 1 and University of Nancy 2 as the founding partners. It is defined as a Scientific (International) Interest Group (Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique or GIS). Its attachment to the INTEROP V-Lab has been achieved in May 2009. In 2010, three institutions joined the INTEROP Grande Region pole: INSA Lyon, University Lyon III and INSA Strasbourg.
Associate Team INRIA VanaWeb
SCORE is involved in the Associate Team INRIA VanaWeb (with UTFSM Valparaìso, Chili) which is interested in autonomous constraint solving concepts and their application to composition problems for Web services. The coordinators of this project are Carlos Castro (UTFSM Valparaìso, Chili) and Christophe Ringeissen (CASSIS ).