Section: Overall Objectives
Hien Thi Thu Truong, Claudia Lavinia Ignat, Mohamed Rafik Bouguelia from the SCORE team and Pascal Molli, Professor at the University of Nantes, received the Best Paper Award at the CollaborateCom 2011 conference.
Olivier Perrin has been promoted to the rank Professor at the University of Nancy 2.
François Charoy has spent six month as visiting academic at SAP Research Australia as well as at the NICTA (National ICT Australia Ltd).
Three PhD have been successfully defended in the SCORE team in 2011[1] , [3] , [2] .
Best Paper Award :
[18] A Contract-extended Push-Pull-Clone Model in 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2011).H. T. T. Truong, C.-L. Ignat, M.-R. Bouguelia, P. Molli.