Project Team Sisyphe


Project Team Sisyphe


Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR project INSCAN: Fault diagnosis for security critical long distance electric transmission lines

Participants : Leila Djaziri, Michel Sorine, Huaibin Tang, Qinghua Zhang.

The wired electric networks of the French railway system cover more than 50000 km. The electric insulation of the signaling lines along the railways is monitored by regular inspections. Today these inspections are based on an expensive procedure realized by human operators located at both ends of each transmission line. The service of signaling devices has to be interrupted during this procedure, and so does the railway traffic. The in situ monitoring of the transmission lines, without interruption of service, is thus an important economic issue. For this purpose, the project entitled “Diagnostic de câbles électriques sécuritaires pour grandes infrastructures" is funded by ANR for three years in order to study the feasibility of in situ monitoring tools for these transmission lines. The involved partners are SNCF (project leader), CEA LIST and INRIA.