Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Philippe Pucheral

    • Area Editor of the Information Systems international journal (2007-now).

    • Scientific evaluation for ANR (programmes Blanc and Emergence) since 2009.

    • PC member of MOBIWIS'11, CODAPSY’11, EDBT’11.

    • Member of the recruiting committees of UVSQ and ENSIMAG.

    • Co-founder of the bi-annual French Summer School “Masses de Données Distribuées” and co-organiser of this school in2010 and 2012.

    • Referee for the PhD thesis M. Jawad (U. Nantes, 2011) , M. Tlili (U. Nantes, 2011).

  • Luc Bouganim

    • Tutorial on Data Management in Flash Memories, given at VLDB 2011 [20] .

    • President of the INRIA Post-Doc and Delegation Commission

    • PC member of EDBT’11, FlashDB’11, MobiWIS’11, VLDB’11 PhD WS.

    • PC chair of BDA 2011 (Bases de Données Avancées).

    • Reviewer for the “Digital engineering & security” program of the French research agency (ANR) (2011).

    • Member of the Commission PES (Prime d’Excellence Scientifique) for computer science at UVSQ (since 2010).

    • Referee for the PhD thesis of Brice Chardin (INSA Lyon) and Stéphane Jacob (Univ. Paris 6) in 2012

  • Nicolas Anciaux

    • PC member of ICDE’11.

    • Member of the Editorial Board of TSI Journal (Technique et Science Informatiques) (2007 – now).

    • Jury member of the PhD thesis of S. Yin (UVSQ) in 2011.

  • Benjamin Nguyen

    • Co-author of a book on the introduction of Computer Science in high school [21] .

    • Member of the Advisory Committee of the W3C for the UVSQ, of the W3C XQuery Working Group (Test Suite Editor) and of the W3C Social Web Interest Group.

    • PC member of ICDE 2011, EDA 2011, ECML-PKDD 2011, BDA 2011.

    • Coach of the UVSQ H.E.O. student team that reached the French finals (top 5 teams) of Microsoft Imagine Cup (Software Design Category).

    • Member of the Selection Committee of UVSQ (since 2009), of U. Paris-X Nanterre (since 2007), and of U. Paris-XI (in 2011).

    • Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the Science Faculty of UVSQ.

    • Member of the INRIA Post-Doc Commission since 2010.

General Audience Actions

SMIS members have an important dissemination activity, motivated both by the popularity of the addressed research domain (security/privacy) and of the targeted applications (e.g., personal medical folder), leading to

  • interactions with different institutions, for instance, the French Deputy Chamber, The Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options (OPECST), or the French Network and Information Security Agency.

  • interviews resulting in articles in large audience magazine like “La Recherche”, the CNRS Journal or BBC news, as well as participation in debates [25] .

  • talks and demonstrations targeting industrials in wide audience conferences like JavaOne, or e-Smart or meetings with industrials like “Les rendez-vous Carnot” and others [23] .

  • invited talks in conference or workshops with broad audience: targeting physicians [24] , Researchers in law or keynote speech at UbiMob.

  • actions targeting students like the organization of the French Summer School “Masses de Données Distribuées” in 2010 and 2012 or interventions at IBM France for developer training.