Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Philippe Pucheral
Area Editor of the Information Systems international journal (2007-now).
Scientific evaluation for ANR (programmes Blanc and Emergence) since 2009.
PC member of MOBIWIS'11, CODAPSY’11, EDBT’11.
Member of the recruiting committees of UVSQ and ENSIMAG.
Co-founder of the bi-annual French Summer School “Masses de Données Distribuées” and co-organiser of this school in2010 and 2012.
Referee for the PhD thesis M. Jawad (U. Nantes, 2011) , M. Tlili (U. Nantes, 2011).
Luc Bouganim
Tutorial on Data Management in Flash Memories, given at VLDB 2011 [20] .
President of the INRIA Post-Doc and Delegation Commission
PC member of EDBT’11, FlashDB’11, MobiWIS’11, VLDB’11 PhD WS.
PC chair of BDA 2011 (Bases de Données Avancées).
Reviewer for the “Digital engineering & security” program of the French research agency (ANR) (2011).
Member of the Commission PES (Prime d’Excellence Scientifique) for computer science at UVSQ (since 2010).
Referee for the PhD thesis of Brice Chardin (INSA Lyon) and Stéphane Jacob (Univ. Paris 6) in 2012
Nicolas Anciaux
Benjamin Nguyen
Co-author of a book on the introduction of Computer Science in high school [21] .
Member of the Advisory Committee of the W3C for the UVSQ, of the W3C XQuery Working Group (Test Suite Editor) and of the W3C Social Web Interest Group.
PC member of ICDE 2011, EDA 2011, ECML-PKDD 2011, BDA 2011.
Coach of the UVSQ H.E.O. student team that reached the French finals (top 5 teams) of Microsoft Imagine Cup (Software Design Category).
Member of the Selection Committee of UVSQ (since 2009), of U. Paris-X Nanterre (since 2007), and of U. Paris-XI (in 2011).
Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the Science Faculty of UVSQ.
Member of the INRIA Post-Doc Commission since 2010.
General Audience Actions
SMIS members have an important dissemination activity, motivated both by the popularity of the addressed research domain (security/privacy) and of the targeted applications (e.g., personal medical folder), leading to
interactions with different institutions, for instance, the French Deputy Chamber, The Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options (OPECST), or the French Network and Information Security Agency.
interviews resulting in articles in large audience magazine like “La Recherche”, the CNRS Journal or BBC news, as well as participation in debates [25] .
talks and demonstrations targeting industrials in wide audience conferences like JavaOne, or e-Smart or meetings with industrials like “Les rendez-vous Carnot” and others [23] .
invited talks in conference or workshops with broad audience: targeting physicians [24] , Researchers in law or keynote speech at UbiMob.
actions targeting students like the organization of the French Summer School “Masses de Données Distribuées” in 2010 and 2012 or interventions at IBM France for developer training.