Section: Dissemination


SMIS is a joint project-team with University of Versailles St-Quentin (UVSQ) and CNRS. Hence SMIS members are naturally deeply involved in teaching.

  • P. Pucheral: (120h/y)

    • Full professor at UVSQ.

    • Director of the research Master COSY (UVSQ).

    • Member of the HDR committee of the STV doctoral school.

    • Courses on databases, DBMS architecture and security in Master1, Master2 and engineer school ISTY.

  • B. Nguyen: (192h/y)

    • Associate professor at UVSQ.

    • Courses on object programing, databases, XML in undergraduate and Master2.

    • Courses on Teaching CS courses for High School teachers.

  • L. Bouganim: (90h/y)

    • Courses on DBMS architecture, data security, database technology in Master1 and Master2 (AFTI, Orsay) and in engineering school (ENST Paris).

  • N. Anciaux: (90h/y)

    • Courses on DBMS internal mechanisms, database technology in Master1 and Master2 (UVSQ), and in engineering school (ENSTA Paris).

  • T. Allard: (64h/y)

    • Courses on Database concepts, System Programming in undergraduate and Masters 1 (UVSQ).

  • L. Le Folgoc: (64h/y)

    • Courses on Relational Database Concepts and SQL, system programming in Masters 1 (UVSQ).

  • S. Yin: (51h/y)

    • Courses on Relational Database Concepts and SQL, Embedded DBMS in Master1 and 2 (UVSQ and CNAM).

PhD & HdR:

  • Shaoyi Yin. Un modèle de stockage et d'indexation pour des données embarquées en mémoire flash. PhD Thesis University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), June 2011, Supervized by Philippe Pucheral.

  • Yanli Guo.Confidentialité et intégrité de bases de données embarquées. PhD Thesis University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), December 2011, Co-supervized by Luc Bouganim and Nicolas Anciaux

  • Tristan Allard. Sanitizing Microdata Without Leak: A Decentralized Approach. PhD Thesis University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), December 2011, Co-supervized by Philippe Pucheral and Benjamin Nguyen

  • PhD in progress : Lionel Le Folgoc, October 2009, Co-supervized by Luc Bouganim and Nicolas Anciaux

  • PhD in progress : Matias Bjørling, December 2011, Co-supervized by Philippe Bonnet and Luc Bouganim