Section: Overall Objectives


CorTex Equipex FIT : cognitive radio testbed (http://sdr-fit.project.citi-lab.fr/ ) FIt (Futur Internet of Things) is one of 52 winning projects in the Equipex research grant program. It will set up a competitive and innovative experimental facility that brings France to the forefront of Future Internet research. FIT is a joind project between UPMC, CNRS, INRIA, Telecom, LSIIT. It will be composed of distributed facility, heterogeneous devices, complementary components and be made of a Network Operations Center, a Cognitive Radio Tesbed, several Embedded Communication Objects Testbed that will upgrade an dextend the existing SensLAB sites and several Wireless OneLab Testbed. Swing leads the deployment of the Cognitive Radio Testbed located at INSA Lyon, which will offers a multi-hops PHY layer level testbed for testing cooperative communications, cognitive radio and software radio architectures.

wiplan : Indoor wireless networks planning (http://wiplan.citi.insa-lyon.fr/ ) Swing has been developing an original Indoor propagation simulation tool for 10 years . This propagation engine is extended to more complex environments within the iPLAN European project in cooperation with University of Bedfordshire, University of Sheffield and Ranplan Ltd (UK) to develop a premium Indoor wireless networks planning tool. During the coming year, this propagation engine will be connected to NS-3 in the framework of the ADT Mobsim.

TAPASCologne project: vehicular mobility dataset (http://kolntrace.project.citi-lab.fr/ ) Swing has generated a large-scale urban vehicular mobility dataset, built on data made available the Institute of Transportation Systems at the German Aerospace Center (ITS-DLR). The synthetic mobility trace faithfully reprodice car traffic in the city of Cologne, Germany, covering a region of 400 square kilometers for a period of 24 hours, comprising more than 700.000 individual car trips. The dataset is a significative step forward in the simulation of vehicular mobility for network research and practictioners .