Section: Dissemination


The members of SWING are heavily involved in teaching activities at Telecommunications department of INSA Lyon (master 1 and 2 level). Tanguy Risset, Jean-Marie Gorce and Fabrice Valois are professor in the Telecommunications department of INSA Lyon. Claire Goursaud and Isabelle Augé-Blum are associate professor in the Telecommunications department of INSA Lyon. Jean-Marie Gorce was the vice-head of the Telecommunications department of INSA Lyon until september 2009, and since he has been replaced by Tanguy Risset. The teaching is carried out by members of INSA Lyon as part of their teaching duties, and for INRIA/CNRS or PhD's as extra work.

Some members are involved in the teaching activity of other departments of INSA Lyon. Marine Minier is associate professor in the Computer Science department of INSA Lyon. Jacques Verdier, Florin Hutu and Guillaume Villemaud are associate professor in the Electrical Engineering department of INSA Lyon.

Nikolaï Lebedev is associate professor in the engineering school in Chemistry, Physics and Electronics, Lyon.

Bernard Tourrencheau is involved in the teaching activity at University of Lyon in different masters. Some members are also involved in administrative duties related to teaching at University of Lyon. Tanguy Risset is the responsible for the Networking program of the Master Mastria from University of Lyon, and Jean-Marie Gorce is the responsible for the Telecommunications program of the future Master EEAP from University of Lyon. Bernard Tourrencheau

Moreover, the SWING team is involved in international teaching program. Fabrice Valois is the head of a Special program of Engineering in Telecommunications between INSA Lyon and Shanghaï - Jiao Tong University.

The members of SWING also supervise several student projects and internships at all levels (Master 1 and 2, Engineering Schools).

Altogether that represents more than 2400 hours per year.