Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Anne Auger
Nicolas Bredeche
PC member at GECCO 2011, RIVF 2011, EuroGP 2011
Co-organiser of DevLeaNN workshop, a two-day workshop on Development and Learning in Artificial Neural Networks, Paris, France ( ).
New Horizons in Evolutionary Robotics. co-editor, Springer [75] .
Philippe Caillou
Nikolaus Hansen
Marc Schoenauer
Member of ACM-SIGEVO Executive since 2003 (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation (was the International Society on Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms before 2006); member of ACM-GECCO Business Committee (2012-2013).
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Member of Steering Committee (since 1998);
Co-chair with Youssef Hamadi (MSR Cambridge) of the LION'6 conference (Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN) in Paris, January 2012.
“Invited Speaker co-Chair” of IEEE-CEC (Congress on Evolutionary Computation) 2011, New-Orleans, USA.
Editorial Board of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press (Editor in Chief, 2002-2009); Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer Verlag; Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier; Natural Computing Series, Springer Verlag.
PC member of all important conferences in the area of Evolutionary Computation
Michèle Sebag
Member of the European Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery from Databases Steering Committee since 2010; ECCAI Fellow since 2011;
Workshop Chair of ECAI 2012 (Montpellier, August 2012);
Co-organization with Einoshin Suzuki of the International Workshop on LEarning and data Mining for Robots (LEMIR) at IEEE-Int. Conf. on Data Mining, Vancouver dec. 2011;
Area chair ICML11, Area chair ECML11;
PC member of ILP11, GECCO11, reviewer on 3PhDs and 1 HdR; reviewer for ERC, CNRS, INRIA-Lille applications; member of LRI CCSU;
Member of the CoNRS; Senior Advisory Board CHIST-ERA; member of the CSFRS (Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et Recherche Stratégique);
Pattern Analysis, Statistical Learning and Computational Modelling NoE, Member of Steering Committee (PASCAL 2004-2008; PASCAL2, 2008- );
Editorial Board of Machine Learning Journal, Springer Verlag; Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer Verlag.
Cécile Germain-Renaud
PC member for: IEEE/ACM Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID) since 2009; IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing since 2005; SP Cloud workshop; EGEE/EGI user forum since 2008.
Member (elected) of the baord of the Faculty of Science (Conseil d'UFR) and University scientific board (Conseil Scientifique de l'Université).