Section: Members

Research Scientists

François Baccelli [Senior Researcher INRIA, Team Leader, HdR]

Bartłomiej Błaszczyszyn [(Bartek), Senior Researcher INRIA, HdR]

Anne Bouillard [Associate Professor ENS]

Ana Bušić [Junior Researcher INRIA]

Marc Lelarge [Junior Researcher INRIA, from September to December 2011 on sabbatical at Stanford University]

PhD Students

Hamed Amini [Ecole Polytechnique, until June 2011]

Emilie Coupechoux [Paris 6]

Kumar Gaurav [Paris 6, from October 2011]

Mathieu Leconte [CIFRE with Technicolor from 2011]

Mir Omid Haji Mirsadeghi [Egide, under joint supervision of INRIA and Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran]

Frédéric Morlot [Orange Labs, under joint supervision of INRIA and Orange Labs]

Van Minh Nguyen [CIFRE fellowship, under joint supervision of INRIA and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, until June 2011]

Tien Viet Nguyen [Paris 7]

Justin Salez [Paris 6, until August 2011]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Abir Benabid [ENS, ANR PEGASE, from March 2011]

Florence Bénézit [ENS, ANR CMON, until July 2011]

Chung Shue Chen [ADR SELFNET — joint INRIA-Alcatel Lucent labs. until April 2011]

Nadir Farhi [ENS, ANR PEGASE, until January 2011]

Anastasios Giovanidis [INRIA, from September 2011]

Yogeshwaran Dhandapani [Explorator program, until June 2011]

Visiting Scientists

Darryl Veitch [Visiting professor INRIA – Technicolor, from May 2010 to May 2011]

Venkat Anantharam [Visiting professor INRIA – UC Berkeley, from March until July 2011]

Ilkka Norros [Visiting professor INRIA – VTT Finland, from March until May 2011]

Naoto Miyoshi [Visiting professor ENS – Tokyo Institute of Technology, September 2011]

Administrative Assistant

Hélène Milome [Secretary (TR) INRIA, working also for project-team Regal, Classic and Neuromathcomp]


Pierre Brémaud [Professor emeritus, HdR]

Furcy-Alexandre Pin [Student Intern, ENS, until March 2011]

Aleksander Wieczorek [Intern, Univ. of Poznań, Poland, from March 2011 to June 2011]