Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participant : Ana Bušić.

Two-year Inria Collaborative action Action de recherche collaborative (ARC) OCOQS “Optimal threshold policies in COntrolled Queuing Systems” OCOQS started in 2011. Coordinator: Ana Bušić, Participants: Alain Jean-Marie (MAESTRO, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Emmanuel Hyon (University of Paris Ouest and LIP6), Ingrid Vliegen (University of Twente); http://www.di.ens.fr/~busic/OCOQS . The research subject is the optimal control of stochastic processes, with applications to the control of networks and manufacturing systems. The principal aim is to widen the set of mathematical techniques that can be used to prove that optimal policies are of threshold type, thereby widening the set of classes of models that can be effectively solved exactly or numerically handled in practice.

GdR Stochastic Geometry

Participants : François Baccelli, Bartłomiej Błaszczyszyn.

TREC has participated in the mounting of the Research Group (Groupement de recherche, GdR) on Stochastic Geometry led by Pierre Calka (Université de Rouen). This GdR is going to be a collaboration framework for all French research teams working in the domain of spatial stochastic modeling, both on theory development and in applications. This year the application has been accepted by the National Committee of CNRS and the group will be officially created in 2012.


Participants : Anne Bouillard, Ana Bušić.

Exploratory research (Projet Exploratoire Premier Soutien (PEPS)) of INS2I CNRS titled “Simulation Temps Paralléle, Simulation Parfaite et Monotonie” (MonoSimPa) is a one year exploratory project on parallel and perfect simulation. It is a joint project with PRiSM, Versailles (UMR 8144) and LIG, Grenoble (UMR 5217).