Section: New Results
National Initiatives
ANR Project “QUAlity of ServIce for wireless sensor networks and Mobile Objects – parameter aDaptatiOn (QUASIMODO)
Participants : Bilel Nefzi, François Despaux, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Adrien Guenard, Françoise Simonot-Lion, Ye-Qiong Song.
Quasimodo project ( ) is a joint "ANR Programme blanc international" project (March 2011 - February 2014) between LORIA laboratory- Nancy University and SKLICT - Zhejiang University, funded by ANR (n°ANR 2010 INTB 0206 01) and NSFC (n°NSFC 61061130563). The objective of the project is to provide an adaptive real-time quality of service (QoS) in wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSAN). The main QoS parameters are bounded delay and packet transmission success rate under stringent energy constraint and node mobility. The typical application scenario consists of a multi-robots tracking, coordination and cooperation through the WSAN. This first project year has been focused on the application scenario development, MAC layer design. A first scenario is the single mobile target tracking using mobile sensor nodes. Theoretic tracking algorithm has been developed based on Kalman filter estimation (an ellipse) and optimal sensor coverage. Its extension to including both communication delay and mobile node speed are under simulation using SAMOVAR simulator ( ). The MAC protocol will be based on the CoSenS framework with one enhancement for avoiding collisions during the waiting period of CoSenS.
PRST MISN / SSS Theme: Eco-Sûr2
Participants : Hugo Cruz Sanchez, Jamila Ben Sliman, Najet Boughanmi, Bilel Nefzi, Françoise Simonot-Lion, Ye-Qiong Song.
EcoSur2 aims at controlling and managing the energy production and consumption within a smart space. An important part of the system is the wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN) which is used to sense devices and to activate actuators. The activities of TRIO team are focused on the design of wireless sensor network architectures that guarantee communication by optimizing the available resources of the WSAN, and the development of the interoperability solution aimed at linking the heterogeneous technologies used in the system. This activities include: 1) Implementation of a modified version of the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) by using energy resources for routing decisions; 2) Implementation of asynchronous and periodical sensing applications on nodes; 3) The analysis of different platforms allowing to communicate with the available WSN equipment of previous projects and to facilitate the implementation of optimal communication mechanisms over different routing protocols (eg. Zigbee, RPL); 4) The implementation of the WSN system in the MPIGate to allow interoperability with other technologies (eg. building automation networks, WiFi, Ethernet); 5) The design of an energy oriented messaging system in a WSN; 6) The adaptation and the development of the QoC and QoS co-design approaches based on our previous results in networked control system co-design. This year we have focused on the network architecture design and the technical implementation. Contiki based sensor nodes have been chosen. Part of code of S-CoSenS protocol has been developed in Cooja simulator before the actual deployment on the sensor nodes.
PRST MISN / Thème IS: Smartroom for personal assisted living
Participants : Hugo Cruz Sanchez, Adrien Guenard, Lionel Havet, Bilel Nefzi, Shahram Nourizadeh, Ye-Qiong Song.
The aim of the smartroom project is to provide an open platform for developing and testing innovative solutions for personal assisted living. The main task of TRIO team is the definition of the communication architecture with interoperability and QoS support. MPIGate is the starting point for this project. The first phase is focused on the platform implementation. MPIGate has been extended to run on Web service platform [25] , [45] . Further development will be around the auto-adaptive application-network middleware and the design of extra low-power and low duty-cycle protocols.
INRIA AEN PAL (Personal Assisted Living)
Participants : Hugo Cruz Sanchez, Shahram Nourizadeh, Ye-Qiong Song.
TRIO team has participated to the Large-scale initiative action AEN PAL project ( ) which aims to provide technologies and services for improving the autonomy and quality of life for elderly and fragile persons. Communication is one of the key components for ensuring real-time data gathering and exchange between heterogeneous sensors and actuators (robots). TRIO team's participation aims to design the most suitable communication architectures with guaranteed QoS. For this purpose the interface part of MPIGate has been revised in order to shift from a web server based gateway to a web service oriented architecture [36] . This part of work will mainly be supported via the upcoming ADT APL-PERCEE project which will start at the end of 2011.