Section: Dissemination


Teaching on 3D Medical Imaging (visualization, segmentation, fusion, management, normalization) and Image Guided Surgery in the following tracks:

  • Master 2 SIBM, University of Angers-Brest-Rennes : 26h (C. Barillot, O. Commowick, S. Prima, B. Gibaud, P. Jannin, X. Morandi, I. Corouge, E. Bannier, JY Gauvrit)

  • C. Barillot, B. Gibaud and P. Jannin are responsible for three different semesters

  • .J-Y. Gauvrit is the coordinator for the Master.

  • Master 1 SIBM, University of Rennes : 24h (S. Prima, B. Gibaud, P. Jannin), P. Jannin is responsible for one semester.

  • Master "Rayonnements ionisants et application ", Univ. de Nantes: 4h (C. Barillot)

  • Master "Méthodes de traitement de l'information biomédicale et hospitalière", University of Rennes I : 9h (B. Gibaud)

  • Master "Equipements biomédicaux", UTC Compiègne: 3h (B. Gibaud)

  • Master " Signaux et Images en Médecine ", University Paris XII Val de Marne: 3h (B. Gibaud)

  • European School for Medical Physics:3h (B. Gibaud, P. Jannin)