Section: Dissemination

Participation to seminars, scientific evaluations, awards

  • C. Barillot was elected in 2011 as a Miccai Fellow by the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention http://www.miccai.org/FellowList

  • C. Barillot served as external reviewer for the recruitment commission of University of Caen

  • C. Barillot served in the panel committee of ANR Blanc program (SIMI3 panel)

  • B. Gibaud served as expert for ANR ('Blanc' Program)

  • C. Barillot served as expert for the APHP-DHU program 2011

  • C. Barillot is elected-member of the Scientific Board of CNRS-INS2I

  • C. Barillot is permanent member of the Administrative Council of the pôle de compétitivité "Images & Réseaux"

  • Sylvain Prima is a member of the CUMIR committee (Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques pour la Recherche) and of the working group “voyages”.

  • C. Barillot is member of the CRBSP (Comité Recherche Biomédicale et santé publique), CHU Rennes

  • E. Bannier: Atelier SFNR Club des Techniques Avancées (CluTAV) sur l'IRM de perfusion "ARM sans produit de contraste a 3T, Techniques et perspectives", CHU Rennes, 19/05/2011

  • E. Bannier: Seminar "Imagerie fonctionnelle et psychiatrie", Centre Hospitalier Guillaume Régnier, Rennes, 16/06/2011