Section: New Results

Approximate convex hull of affine iterated function system attractors

Participants : Dmitry Sokolov, A. Mishkinis, C. Gentil, S. Lanquetin.

In this paper, we present an algorithm to construct an approximate convex hull of the attractors of an affine iterated function system (IFS). We construct a sequence of convex hull approximations for any required precision using the self-similarity property of the attractor in order to optimize calculations. Due to the affine properties of IFS transformations, the number of points considered in the construction is reduced. The time complexity of our algorithm is a linear function of the number of iterations and the number of points in the output convex hull. The number of iterations and the execution time increases logarithmically with increasing accuracy. In addition, we introduce a method to simplify the approximation of the convex hull without loss of accuracy. Figure 8 gives and illustration. This work was published at the Chaos, Solitons & Fractals journal [12] .

Figure 8. Approximate convex hull for a 3D IFS attractor.