Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Participation In International Programs
ISO subcommittee TC37 SC4 on “Language Resources Management”
Participant : Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie.
The participation of ALPAGE to French Technolangue action Normalangue has resulted in a strong implication in ISO subcommittee TC37 SC4 on “Language Resources Management” Éric de La Clergerie has participated to an ISO meeting in Madrid (June 2012) and has played a role of expert (in particular on morpho-syntactic annotations [MAF], feature structures [FSR & new FSD], and syntactic annotations [SynAF]). MAF has finally reached the level of an ISO standard (ISO/FDIS 24611, oct. 2012). A paper [21] promoting both SynAF and MAF was presented at TLT'11 (Lisbon, Dec. 2012).