Section: Dissemination
Participation to workshops, conferences, and invitations
Invited talks and seminars:
Benoît Sagot gave an invited talk at the workshop on “Computational Approaches to Morphological Complexity” in Surrey, UK and he presentated the French Social Media Bank within the Working Group n°9 "Shallow Annotation" of the Consortium Corpus Écrits within the Très Grande Infrastructure de Recherche (TGIR) CORPUS.
Benoît Sagot was invited to a seminar at Düsseldorf to talk on “Semi-automatic development of lexical resources”.
Laurence Danlos gave invited seminars at Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, at Computer Science department of UDM (Université de Montréal) Canada, at ENS Lyon and University Paris Sorbonne in France.
Djamé Seddah gave an invited seminar at the University of Dusseldorf (Abteilung für Computerlinguistik), was a panelist at the NAACL Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Non Canonical Languages, and gave an invited talk at the Paris 7 Linguistics department.
Benoît Crabbé gave an invited tutorial at the "Experiences, empiricité, expérimentations en linguistique" at Saint Raphael (organized by the CNRS lab HTL) at gave a talk at the "demi heure de sciences" of Inria's Paris Rocquencourt center.
Marie Candito gave an invited talk at the seminar series of the LIMSI's Groupe Information, Langue Ecrite et Signée (ILES)
Participation to conferences and workshops (in almost all cases, this is associated with at least a talk or a poster presentation):
Almost all members of Alpage participated to TALN 2012, Genoble, France.
Several members of Alpage participated to TAG+11, organized by Alpage in Paris, France.
Laurence Danlos and Juliette Thuillier participated to CMLF'12 (Congrès Mondial de Linguistique française) in Lyon, France.
Laurence Danlos and Charlotte Roze participated to the Muldico Exploratory Workshop "Towards a multilingual database of connectives" in Iena, Deutchland.
Laurence Danlos participated in a Linguistic workshop in Bordeaux.
Rosa Stern participated to the EACL workshop on Innovative hybrid approaches to the processing of textual data – Poster
Rosa Stern participated to the AKBC-WEKEX workshop ( ) – Poster
Éric de La Clergerie participated to the 11th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11) in Lisbon, Portugal – Paper
Laurence Danlos, Charlotte Roze, Éric de La Clergerie, Marie Candito participated to LREC'12 in Istanbul, Turkey – Papers
Laurence Danlos and Éric de La Clergerie participated to the Lexis-Grammar Conference in Nové Hrady, Czech Republic – Paper
Benoît Sagot participated to LREC'12 in Istanbul, Turkey – 5 oral presentations, 1 poster, and a participation at a workshop.
Djamé Seddah presented one poster at EVALITA 2012 (Rome), one at LREC 2012 (Istanbul), one talk at COLING 2012 (Mumbai) and one talk at NAACL SANCL 2012 (Montreal).