Section: Scientific Foundations
Statistical Parsing
Contrary to symbolic approaches to parsing, in statistical parsing, the grammar is extracted from a corpus of syntactic trees : a treebank. The main advantage of the statistical approach is to encode within the same framework the parsing and disambiguating tasks. The extracted grammar rules are associated with probabilities that allow to score and rank the output parse trees of an input sentence. This obvious advantage of probabilistic context-free grammars has long been counterbalanced by two main shortcomings that resulted in poor performance for plain PCFG parsers: (i) the generalization encoded in non terminal symbols that stand for syntagmatic phrases is too coarse (so probabilistic independence between rules is too strong an assertion) and (ii) lexical items are underused. In the last decade though, effective solutions to these shortcomings have been proposed. Symbol annotation, either manual [84] or automatic [91] , [92] captures inter-dependence between CFG rules. Lexical information is integrated in frameworks such as head-driven models that allow lexical heads to percolate up the syntagmatic tree [72] , or probabilistic models derived from lexicalized Tree Adjoining grammars, such as Stochastic Tree Insertion Grammars [70] .
In the same period, totally different parsing architectures have been proposed, to obtain dependency-based syntactic representations. The properties of dependency structures, in which each word is related to exactly one other word, make it possible to define dependency parsing as a sequence of simple actions (such as read buffer and store word on top of a stack, attach read word as dependent of stack top word, attach read word as governor of stack top word ...) [129] , [89] . Classifiers can be trained to choose the best action to perform given a partial parsing configuration. In another approach, dependency parsing is cast into the problem of finding the maximum spanning tree within the graph of all possible word-to-word dependencies, and online classification is used to weight the edges [85] . These two kinds of statistical dependency parsing allow to benefit from discriminative learning, and its ability to easily integrate various kinds of features, which is typically needed in a complex task such as parsing.
Statistical parsing is now effective, both for syntagmatic representations and dependency-based syntactic representations. Alpage has obtained state-of-the-art parsing results for French, by adapting various parser learners for French, and works on the current challenges in statistical parsing, namely (1) robustness and portability across domains and (2) the ability to incorporate exogenous data to improve parsing attachment decisions. We review below the approaches that Alpage has tested and adapted, and the techniques that we plan to investigate to answer these challenges.
In order to investigate statistical parsers for French, we have first worked how to use the French Treebank [55] and derive the best input for syntagmatic statistical parsing [74] . Benchmarking several PCFG-based learning frameworks [11] has led to state-of-the-art results for French, the best performance being obtained with the split-merge Berkeley parser (PCFG with latent annotations) [92] .
In parallel to the work on dependency based representation, presented in the next paragraph, we also conducted a preliminary set of experiments on richer parsing models based on Stochastic Tree Insertion Grammars as used in [70] and which, besides their inferior performance compared to PCFG-LA based parser, raise promising results with respect to dependencies that can be extracted from derivation trees. One variation we explored, that uses a specific TIG grammar instance, a vertical grammar called spinal grammars, exhibits interesting properties wrt the grammar size typically extracted from treebanks (a few hundred unlexicalized trees, compared to 14 000 CFG rules). These models are currently being investigated in our team [113] . Pursuing our work on PCFG-LA based parsing, we investigated the automatic conversion of the treebank into dependency syntax representations [65] , that are easier to use for various NLP applications such as question-answering or information extraction, and that are a better ground for further semantic analysis. This conversion can be applied on the treebank, before training a dependency-based parser, or on PCFG-LA parsed trees. This gives the possibility to evaluate and compare on the same gold data, both syntagmatic- and dependency-based statistical parsing. This also paved the way for studies on the influence of various types of lexical information. Results are sketched in section 6.4 .