Section: Application Domains
Processing answers to open-ended questions in surveys: vera
Participants : Benoît Sagot, Valérie Hanoka.
Verbatim Analysis is a startup co-created by Benoît Sagot from Alpage and Dimitri Tcherniak from Towers Watson, a world-wide leader in the domain of employee research (opinion mining among the employees of a company or organization). The aim of its first product, vera, is to provide an all-in-one environment for editing (i.e., normalizing the spelling and typography), understanding and classifying answers to open-ended questions, and relating them with closed-ended questions, so as to extract as much valuable information as possible from both types of questions. The editing part relies in part on Sx Pipe (see section 5.6 ) and Alexina morphological lexicons. Several other parts of vera are co-owned by Verbatim Analysis and by Inria.