Section: Software
System EasyRef
Participants : Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie [maintainer] , Corentin Ribeyre.
A collaborative WEB service EasyRef has been developed, in the context of ANR action Passage, to handle syntactically annotated corpora. EasyRef may be used to view annotated corpus, in both EASY or PASSAGE formats. The annotations may be created and modified. Bug reports may be emitted. The annotations may be imported and exported. The system provides standard user right management. The interface has been designed with the objectives to be intuitive and to speed edition.
EasyRef relies on an Model View Controller design, implemented with the Perl Catalyst framework. It exploits WEB 2.0 technologies (i.e. AJAX and JavaScript).
Version 2 has been used by ELDA and LIMSI to annotate a new corpus of several thousands words for PASSAGE.
A preliminary version 3 has been developed by François Guérin and revised by Éric de La Clergerie, relying on Berkeley DB XML to handle very large annotated corpora and to provide a complete query language expanded as XQuery expressions. EasyRef is maintained under Inria GForge.