Section: New Results
Tree transformation
Participants : Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie, Corentin Ribeyre, Djamé Seddah.
In 2011, the conversion of native FRMG dependencies into the CONLL dependency scheme was the occasion to explore new ideas about tree transformation (for dependencies), based on the notion of two-level transformation with a first level relying on local transformation rules and a second level being controlled by constraints carried by the first level edges. During his Master internship, Corentin Ribeyre has formalized and re-implemented this approach in a more systematic and generic way. This work was also completed by the use of example-based learning techniques to quickly learn the local transformation rules of the first level. The line of research is motivated by possibility to quickly develop a reduced set of transformation rules (thanks to the examples and the constraint level) for a large variety of applications, such as information extration but also conversion toward a deep syntax level or a shallow semantic level. A poster paper was presented at TAG+11 [29] .