Section: New Results
Computational morphology and automatic morphological analysis
Participants : Benoît Sagot [correspondant] , Marion Baranes, Virginie Mouilleron, Damien Nouvel.
Since 2011 and, Alpage members have started interacting with formal morphologists for taking part in the development and implementation of new morphological models and resources. Concerning inflectional morphology, this work has led to new versions of the morphological layer of the Alexina formalism, to new Alexina lexicons for several languages of choice (Kurdish languages and German, as mentioned above, but also Maltese and Latin, see the section on Alexina ), and to studies about the quantitative assessment of morphological complexity, currently an active area of research in morphology, have been pursued following previous work published in 2011 [109] , [126] . Concerning constructional morphology (derivation, composition) and borrowings, studies and experiments have been carried out in the context of the ANR EDyLex project and that of the collaboration with viavoo [45] , following here as well experiments carried out in 2011 [124] , [115] , [127] .