Section: New Results
Advances in lexical semantics
Participants : Benoît Sagot [correspondant] , Marion Richard, Sarah Beniamine.
In 2012, several contributions to the WOLF have been finalized and/or published. In particular, various successful attempts to enhance the coverage of the WOLF have been integrated within the master resource [23] , [19] , [31] , [24] . A more original work has also been achieved, targeted at improving the precision of the resource by automatically detecting probable outliers [32] . This latter work has been integrated within the dedicated sloWTool platform, and these outliers partly validated by Slovene students of Romance studies. In parallel, a medium-scale manual validation effort has been achieved at Alpage thanks to the work of two Master students funded by the ANR EDyLex project, which has led to the validation of a vast majority of so-called "basic" synsets, i.e., what can be expected to be the most useful part of the resource.
The result of all this work has been integrated in a preliminary first non-alpha version of the WOLF, version WOLF 1.0b.