Section: Dissemination

Community services

L. Baratchart is a member of the Editorial Boards of Constructive Methods and Function Theory and Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. He is Inria's representative at the « conseil scientifique » of the Univ. Provence (Aix-Marseille).

S. Chevillard is representative at the « comité de centre » and at the « comité des projets » (Research Center Inria-Sophia).

J. Leblond is an elected member of the “Conseil Scientifique” of Inria. Together with C. Calvet from Human Resources, she is in charge of the mission “Conseil et soutien aux chercheurs” within the Research Centre, and she participated to the working group BEAT (“Bien Être Au Travail”).

M. Olivi is a member of the CSD (Comité de Suivi Doctoral) of the Research Center. She is responsible for scientific mediation.

F. Seyfert is a member of CUMIR at InRIA Sophia-Antipolis-Méditerrannée.