Section: Software

Service-oriented Middleware for Pervasive Computing

Participants : Nikolaos Georgantas [correspondent] , Valérie Issarny [correspondent] .

In the past years, we have built a strong foundation of service-oriented middleware to support the pervasive computing vision. This specifically takes the form of a family of middlewares, all of which have been released under the open source LGPL license:

  • WSAMI - A Middleware Based on Web Services for Ambient Intelligence: WSAMI (Web Services for AMbient Intelligence) is based on the Web services architecture and allows for the deployment of services on wireless handheld devices like smartphones and PDAs.

    URL: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/arles/download/ozone/index.htm

  • Ariadne - A Protocol for Scalable Service Discovery in MANETs: Ariadne enriches WSAMI with the Ariadne service discovery protocol, which has been designed to support decentralized Web service discovery in multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Ariadne enables small and resource-constrained mobile devices to seek and find complementary, possibly mobile, Web services needed to complete specified tasks in MANETs, while minimizing the traffic generated and tolerating intermittent connectivity.

    URL: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/arles/download/ariadne/index.html

  • MUSDAC - A Middleware for Service Discovery and Access in Pervasive Networks: The MUlti-protocol Service Discovery and ACcess (MUSDAC) middleware platform enriches WSAMI so as to enable the discovery and access to services in the pervasive environment, which is viewed as a loose and dynamic composition of independent networks. MUSDAC manages the efficient dissemination of discovery requests between the different networks and relies on specific plug-ins to interact with the various middleware used by the networked services.

    URL: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/arles/download/ubisec/index.html

  • INMIDIO - An Interoperable Middleware for Ambient Intelligence: INMIDIO (INteroperable MIddleware for service Discovery and service InteractiOn) dynamically resolves middleware mismatch. More particularly, INMIDIO identifies the interaction middleware and also the discovery protocols that execute on the network and translates the incoming/outgoing messages of one protocol into messages of another, target protocol.

    URL: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/arles/download/inmidio/index.html

  • COCOA - A Semantic Service Middleware: COCOA is a comprehensive approach to semantic service description, discovery, composition, adaptation and execution, which enables the integration of heterogeneous services of the pervasive environment into complex user tasks based on their abstract specification. Using COCOA, abstract user tasks are realized by dynamically composing the capabilities of services that are currently available in the environment.

    URL: http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/amigo/

  • ubiSOAP - A Service Oriented Middleware for Seamless Networking: ubiSOAP brings multi-radio, multi-network connectivity to services through a comprehensive layered architecture: (i) the multi-radio device management and networking layers together abstract multi-radio connectivity, selecting the optimal communication link to/from nodes, according to quality parameters; (ii) the communication layer allows for SOAP-based point-to-point and group-based interactions in the pervasive network; and (iii) the middleware services layer brings advanced distributed resource management functionalities customized for the pervasive networking environment.

    URL: http://www.ist-plastic.org .