Section: Dissemination

PhD Theses and Internships

PhD defended in 2012

  1. Hervé Lombaert, Atlas Construction for Measuring the Variability of Complex Anatomical Structures, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal. June, 2012.

  2. Marco Lorenzi, Deformation-based morphometry of the brain for the development of surrogate markers in Alzheimer's disease. University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, December 2012. In collaboration with G.B. Frisoni, IRCCS Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy.

  3. Jatin Relan, Planning of radiofrequency ablation of the heart using electromechanical models personnalized from cardiac images and electrophysiological signals, Ecole des Mines de Paris. June, 2012.

  4. Christof Seiler, Trees on Geometrical Deformations to Model the Statistical Variability of Organs in Medical Images. Joint PhD (co-tutelle) of University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and University of Bern. September 2012.

  5. Nicolas Toussaint, In vivo cardiac DTI, King's College London, London. July 2012.

Current PhDs

  1. Chloé Audigier, Modeling radio-frequency ablation for the planing of abdominal tumors resection, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in April 2012.

  2. Thomas Benseghir, 3D/2D Coronary Registration for Interventional Cardiology Guidance, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in March 2012.

  3. Marine Breuilly, Tracking and quantification of tumour processes in rodents with SPECT imaging , Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in November 2009

  4. Rocio Cabrera Lozoya, Radio frequency ablation planning for cardiac arrhythmia treatment through biophysical modelling and machine learning approaches, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in February 2012.

  5. Nicolas Cordier, Simulation and Analysis and Simulation of Brain Tumors Images, University of Lille. Started in February 2012.

  6. Ezequiel Geremia, Multi-scale computational models of brain tumors for medical image analysis, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in December 2008.

  7. Vikash Gupta, Diffusion tensor imaging of the brain: towards quantitative clinical tools, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in November 2011.

  8. Mehdi Hadj-Hamou, Biophysical modeling of the anatomical evolution of the brain, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in September 2012.

  9. Bishesh Khanal, Modeling the atrophy of the brain in Alzheimer's disease, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in November 2012.

  10. Arnaud Le Carvennec, Registration and simulation of atrophy in Alzheimer's disease using MRI images, University College London. Started in September 2011.

  11. Loic Le Folgoc, Biophysical Personalization of Cardiac Models based on Machine Learning, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in June 2012.

  12. Stéphanie Marchesseau, Simulation of patient-specific cardiac models for therapy planning, Ecole des Mines de Paris. Started in November 2009.

  13. Jan Margeta, Indexation of time-­series 4D cardiac MR images, Ecole des Mines de Paris. Started in March 2011.

  14. Kristin Mc Leod, Modeling of Cardiac Growth and Deformation from Medical Images, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. Started in Octobere 2010. .

  15. Adityo Prakosa, Analysis and Simulation of the heart function from multimodal cardiac images, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. Started in November 2008.

  16. Erin Stretton, Modelling and simulation of brain tumor growth from time-series of 3-D MR images to improve diagnosis and therapy, Ecole des Mines de Paris. Started in June 2010.

  17. Hugo Talbot, Simulation of Radiofrequency ablation of cardiac cells, University of Lille. Started in September 2010.

  18. Anant Vemuri, Augmented reality for image-guided surgery, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2012.

Master Student

  1. Sonia Durand, Generation of personalized volumetric meshes of cardiac ventricles, Ecole Centrale de Lyon. From April to September 2012

  2. Bishesh Khanal, Modeling the atrophy of the brain in Alzheimer's disease, Master Computational Biology and Biomedicine, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis. From April to September 2012

  3. Matthieu Lê, Enhancement of a pathophysiological model of brain tumor growth to take into account anatomical and metabolic information coming from MR images. Application to the simulation of tumor growth for better planning of therapeutic intervention, Ecole Centrale de Paris. From May to December 2012.

  4. Andreas Mieritz, Interaction Segmentation of Medical Images, DTU, Denmark. Started in September 2012.

Internship of Medical Doctor Student

  1. Nicolas Bronsard, Study of the 3D variability of the lower spine, University Hospital of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Participation to thesis committees

N. Ayache

participated as co-supervisor to the PhD thesis of Jatin Relan (École des Mines de Paris) and Marco Lorenzi (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis).

Hervé Delingette

participated as co-supervisor to the PhD thesis of Jatin Relan (École des Mines de Paris), as reviewer to the PhD thesis committee of C. Casta (Lyon University), G. Bousquet (Grenoble University), C. Conte (Marseille University).

Xavier Pennec

participated as president to the PhD thesis committee of N. Duchateau (U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, SP) and as co-supervisor to the PhD thesis of Christof Seiler (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and University of Bern) and Marco Lorenzi (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis).

Maxime Sermesant

participated as co-supervisor to the PhD thesis committee of Jatin Relan (École des Mines de Paris).

Invited Lectures

We only give here the invited participations. Please refer to general references for the regular participation to conferences with a submission process.

  • Nicholas Ayache gave the following invited lectures:

    • at the Moroccan Academy of Sciences, Rabat, Morocco on February 15, 2012

    • at the 3rd International Symposium on Computational Anatomy, Fukuoka, Japan on March 4, 2012

    • at the Scientific Council of Inria for the ERC MedYMA project, Inria, France, on March 23, 2012

    • at the Annual Guest Lecture of the Oxford Biomedical Imaging Festival, Oxford, UK on October 25, 2012

    • at Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, UK on November 7, 2012

    • at the Let's Imagine the Future symposium, Rennes, France on November 9, 2012

    • at the Ecole Centrale de Paris, France on November 13, 2012

    • at the Surgery for life innovation conference, IHU de Strasbourg, France on December 21, 2012

  • Hervé Delingette gave an invited lecture at the CardioStim 2012 Modeling session in Nice.

  • Xavier Pennec gave invited lectures:

    • at the Workshop on Geometry and Statistics in Bioimaging: Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Sonderborg, DK, October 8-12, 2012;

    • at the MICCAI workshop and challenge on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenges (STACOM 2012), Nice, October 5, 2012;

    • at the Premières rencontres Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour la santé mentale, 21 et 22 octobre 2011, Nice et Monaco.

    • at the PENN Image Computing and Science Lab (PICSL), Philadelphia, May 23, 2012;

    • at the Minisymposium on 4D Medical Imaging, SIAM Imaging Science Conf., Philadelphia, May 20-22, 2012.

  • Maxime Sermesant was invited to organise a cardiac modelling session at the Cardiostim 2012 clinical conference. He was also an invited lecturer at the ISCAT 2012 conference: 9th International Symposium on Catheter Ablation Techniques and the DD21 conference on Domain Decomposition.

Nominations and Prizes

  • Nicholas Ayache was awarded an ERC grant in Oct 2011, to start in April 2012 with the collaboration of H. Delingette, X. Pennec and M. Sermesant.

  • Nicholas Ayache was elected CSO (Chief Scientific Officer) of the IHU of Strasbourg (Institut Hospitalo Universitaire) on January 1, 2012. More informations on: http://www.ihu-strasbourg.eu/Bienvenue.html

  • Caroline Brun, collaborator of X. Pennec during her PhD, won the Young Scientist Publication Impact Award 2012 of the MICCAI Society (Oct 2012) for the paper "A tensor-based morphometry study of genetic influences on brain structure using a new fluid registration method", published at MICCAI 2008 by C. Brun, N. Leporé, X. Pennec, Y.Y. Chou, A.D. Lee, M. Barysheva, G.I. de Zubicaray, M. Meredith, K. McMahon, M.J. Wright, A.W. Toga, and P.M. Thompson.

  • Hervé Lombaert won the MCV 2012 best paper award at the MICCAI workshop on Medical Computer Vision (Oct. 2012) for the paper "Groupwise Spectral Log-Demons Framework for Atlas Construction" by H. Lombaert, L. Grady, X. Pennec, J.-M. Peyrat, N. Ayache, F. Cheriet.

  • Stéphanie Marchesseau received the Young Investigator award at the MICCAI 2012 conference held in Nice (Oct. 2012) for her paper [43] .

  • Hervé Lombaert has received a prize from the research fund of Québec FRQ (http://www.frq.gouv.qc.ca ) as the "star research student" of the month January 2013 for his paper  [14] .