Section: Software
FPath and FScript
Participants : Thomas Ledoux [correspondent] , Frederico Alvares.
dynamic reliable reconfiguration, self-adaptive components, Fractal, autonomic computing
FPath and FScript are two domain-specific languages (DSLs) dealing respectively with the navigation and the dynamic reconfiguration of Fractal architectures. FPath is a DSL for querying Fractal architectures. It is restricted to the introspection of architectures by browsing elements identified by their properties or location in the architecture. This focused domain allows FPath to offer a very concise and readable syntax and ensures correctness properties by construction (e.g. any query terminates in a finite time). FScript is a DSL dedicated to the reconfiguration of Fractal component architectures. It enables reconfiguration scripts to modify a Fractal architecture. Like FPath, FScript guarantees several properties by construction, e.g. termination of scripts by excluding the possibility of infinite loops. Moreover the FScript interpreter supports a transactional model of reconfigurations and the preservation of the ACID properties.
An adaptation of FPath/FScript to FraSCAti, a component framework providing runtime support for the Service Component Architecture (SCA), has been developed by the Inria Adam project-team. In that way, software architects are able to navigate using FPath notation through FraSCAti architectures and to reconfigure them with FScript. We have used this adaptation in our recent work [11] [31] for reconfiguring cloud applications in order to reduce the energy footprint in cloud infrastructures.
FScript and its extensions are available under the LGPL license at .