Section: Software


Participants : Thomas Ledoux [correspondent] , Frederico Alvares.

monitoring, context-aware applications, complex event processing

WildCAT is a generic Java framework for context-aware applications. It permits the monitoring of large-scale applications by allowing developers to easily organize and access resources through a hierarchical organization backed with a powerful SQL-like language to inspect sensors data and to trigger actions upon particular conditions. WildCAT proposes two modes to inspect the resources: a pull mode relies on synchronous communication and a push one relies on asynchronous communication. In the pull mode, developers programmatically get and set attributes. In the push mode, developers register listeners on queries expressed over the events generated by the backend.

WildCAT has been developed by the team in the last years. We have used WildCAT in our recent work [11] for allowing cloud applications to listen events notification fired by the cloud infrastructure (e.g. whenever the pricing policy of cloud resources changes) or to detect changes on the application activity (e.g. to detect whenever the number of requests sharply increases/decreases) in order to launch the reconfiguration of cloud applications.

WildCAT is available under GPL v2 at http://wildcat.ow2.org .