Section: Dissemination

Scientific animation

Arnaud Guyader and Frédéric Cérou have co–organized the workshop on Computation of Transition Trajectories and Rare Events in Non-Equilibrium Systems, held in Lyon in June 2012.

Arnaud Guyader has organized the session on Rare Events Simulation at Journées MAS de la SMAI, held in Clermont–Ferrand in August 2012. He has also co–organized the 2012 edition of the Journées de Statistiques Rennaises, held in Rennes in October 2012. He is the co–author of a book [27] on the statistical software R.

François Le Gland was a member of the scientific and organizing committees for the international conference on Ensemble Methods in Geophysical Sciences, held in Toulouse in November 2012, an event organized within the ANR project PREVASSEMBLE.

François Le Gland has been a member of the committee for the PhD thesis of Cyrille Dubarry (université Pierre et Marie Curie, advisor: Éric Moulines) and he as been a reviewer for the PhD theses of Romain Leroux (université de Poitiers, advisors: Ludovic Chatellier and Laurent David), Virgile Caron (université Pierre et Marie Curie, advisor: Michel Broniatowski), and Thierry Dumont (université Paris–Sud, advisor: Elisabeth Gassiat).

Florent Malrieu has co–organized the 2012 edition of Journées de probabilités, held in Roscoff in June 2012.

Valérie Monbet has co–organized the first international workshop on Stochastic Weather Generators, held in Roscoff in May 2012. It gathered 30 participants from France, UK, USA and New-Zealand. Most major teams working on WGs were present. The latest developments were presented, thus providing an up–to–date and almost comprehensive snapshot of the state–of–the art.

François Le Gland is a member of the “conseil d'UFR” of the department of mathematics of université de Rennes 1.

Florent Malrieu is a member of the “conseil” of IRMAR (institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes, UMR 6625).

Valérie Monbet is a member of the “comité de direction” and of the “conseil” of IRMAR (institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes, UMR 6625). She is also the director of the master on statistics and econometry at université de Rennes 1.