Section: Dissemination
Arnaud Guyader is a member of the committee of “oraux blancs d'agrégation de mathématiques” for ENS Cachan at Ker Lann.
François Le Gland gives a course on Kalman filtering and hidden Markov models , at université de Rennes 1, within the master SISEA (signal, image, systèmes embarqués, automatique, école doctorale MATISSE), a 3rd year course on Bayesian filtering and particle approximation , at ENSTA (école nationale supérieure de techniques avancées), Paris, within the systems and control module, a 3rd year course on linear and nonlinear filtering , at ENSAI (école nationale de la statistique et de l'analyse de l'information), Ker Lann, within the statistical engineering track, and a 3rd year course on hidden Markov models , at Télécom Bretagne, Brest. He has also organized a thematic school on particle filtering , proposed as a complementary scientific training to PhD students of école doctorale MATISSE.
Florent Malrieu teaches in the probability and statistics track of the training programme for “agrégation de mathématiques” at université de Rennes 1.
Valérie Monbet gives several courses on data analysis, on time series and hidden Markov models, and on mathematical statistics, all at université de Rennes 1 within the master on statistics and econometrics.