Section: Dissemination

PhD and habilitation theses

Arnaud Guyader has been supervising one PhD student

  • Nicolas Jégou, title: Régression isotonique itérée, defense in November 2012, co–direction: Nick Hengartner (Los Alamos) and Éric Matzner–Løber (université de Rennes 2).

Valérie Monbet is currently supervising one PhD student

  • Julie Bessac, provisional title: Space time modelling of wind fields, started in October 2011, co–direction : Pierre Ailliot (université de Bretagne Occidentale),

and she is a member of the PhD thesis committe of

  • Jérôme Weiss, provisional title: Modelling of extreme storm surge series, funding : CIFRE grant with EDF R&D, direction : Michel Benoît (Laboratoire d'Hydraulique Saint-Venant).

François Le Gland has been supervising one PhD student

  • Rudy Pastel, title: Estimation of rare event probabilities and extreme quantiles. Applications in the aerospace domain, defense in February 2012, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Jérôme Morio (ONERA, Palaiseau).

and he is currently supervising three PhD students

  • Paul Bui–Quang, provisional title: The Laplace method for particle filtering, started in October 2009, expected defense in 2013, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Christian Musso (ONERA, Palaiseau).

  • Alexandre Lepoutre, provisional title: Detection issues in track–before–detect, started in October 2010, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Olivier Rabaste (ONERA, Palaiseau).

  • Damien Jacquemart, provisional title: Rare event methods for the estimation of collision risk, started in October 2011, funding: DGA / ONERA grant, co–direction: Jérôme Morio (ONERA, Palaiseau).