Major publications by the team in recent years
1C. Bénar, T. Papadopoulo, B. Torrésani, M. Clerc.
Consensus Matching Pursuit for Multi-Trial EEG Signals, in: Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2009, vol. 180, p. 161–170. [ DOI : DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2009.03.005 ]
http://www. sciencedirect. com/ science/ article/ B6T04-4VWHVX5-2/ 2/ e6ebdc581a60cde843503fe30f9940d1 -
2R. Deriche, J. Calder, M. Descoteaux.
Optimal Real-Time Q-Ball Imaging Using Regularized Kalman Filtering with Incremental Orientation Sets., in: Medical Image Analysis, August 2009, vol. 13, no 4, p. 564–579.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1016/ j. media. 2009. 05. 008 -
3M. Descoteaux, E. Angelino, S. Fitzgibbons, R. Deriche.
Regularized, Fast, and Robust Analytical Q-Ball Imaging, in: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2007, vol. 58, no 3, p. 497–510.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2007/ descoteaux-angelino-etal:07. pdf -
4M. Descoteaux, R. Deriche, T. R. Knosche, A. Anwander.
Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Based on Complex Fibre Orientation Distributions, in: IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging, February 2009, vol. 28, no 2, p. 269–286.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2009/ descoteaux-deriche-etal:09. pdf -
5A. Gramfort, T. Papadopoulo, E. Olivi, M. Clerc.
OpenMEEG: opensource software for quasistatic bioelectromagnetics, in: BioMedical Engineering OnLine, September 2010, vol. 9, no 45.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00523624 -
6J. Kybic, M. Clerc, T. Abboud, O. Faugeras, R. Keriven, T. Papadopoulo.
A Common Formalism for the Integral Formulations of the Forward EEG Problem, in: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, January 2005, vol. 24, p. 12–28.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2005/ kybic-clerc-etal:05. pdf -
7C. Lenglet, J. S. W. Campbell, M. Descoteaux, G. Haro, P. Savadjiev, D. Wassermann, A. Anwander, R. Deriche, G. B. Pike, G. Sapiro, K. Siddiqi, P. Thompson.
Mathematical Methods for Diffusion MRI Processing, in: NeuroImage, March 2009, vol. 45, no 1, p. S111-S122..
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2009/ lenglet-campbell-etal:09. pdf -
8C. Lenglet, M. Rousson, R. Deriche, O. Faugeras.
Statistics on the Manifold of Multivariate Normal Distributions: Theory and Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, October 2006, vol. 25, no 3, p. 423-444.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2006/ lenglet-rousson-etal:06. pdf -
9S. Vallaghé, T. Papadopoulo.
A Trilinear Immersed Finite Element Method for Solving the Electroencephalography Forward Problem, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2010, vol. 32, no 4, p. 2379–2394. [ DOI : 10.1137/09075038X ]
http://link. aip. org/ link/ ?SCE/ 32/ 2379/ 1
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
10E. Caruyer.
Q-Space diffusion MRI: Acquisition and signal processing, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, July 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ tel-00750144 -
11J. Cheng.
Estimation and Processing of Ensemble Average Propagator and Its Features in Diffusion MRI, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, May 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ tel-00759048 -
12J. Fruitet.
Interfaces Cerveau-Machines basées sur l'imagination de mouvements brefs : vers des boutons contrôlés par la pensée, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2012.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
13E. Caruyer, R. Deriche.
Diffusion MRI Signal Reconstruction with Continuity Constraint and Optimal Regularization, in: Medical Image Analysis, August 2012, vol. 16, no 6, p. 1113-1120.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1016/ j. media. 2012. 06. 011 -
14M. Clerc, J. Leblond, J.-P. Marmorat, T. Papadopoulo.
Source localization using rational approximation on plane sections, in: Inverse Problems, 2012, vol. 28, no 5, 055018 p. [ DOI : 10.1088/0266-5611/28/5/055018 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00699541 -
15P. Katsaloulis, A. Ghosh, A.-C. Philippe, A. Provata, R. Deriche.
Fractality in the neuron axonal topography of the human brain based on 3-D diffusion MRI, in: The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2012, vol. 85, no 5, p. 150-157.
http://www. springerlink. com/ content/ dx2777t657841627/ ?MUD
International Conferences with Proceedings
16E. Caruyer, R. Deriche.
A Computational Framework for Experimental Design in Diffusion MRI, in: CDMRI - MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI, Nice, France, October 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00747700 -
17E. Caruyer, R. Deriche.
Optimal Regularization for MR Diffusion Signal Reconstruction, in: ISBI - 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Barcelona, Spain, May 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00660635/ en -
18J. Cheng, T. Jiang, R. Deriche.
Nonnegative Definite EAP and ODF Estimation via a Unified Multi-shell HARDI Reconstruction, in: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, October 2012, vol. 7511, p. 313-321. -
19M. Clerc, C. Wolters, J. Vorwerk, M. Burger.
Comparison of Boundary Element and Finite Element Approaches to the EEG Forward Problem, in: BMT, Jena, Germany, Walter De Gruyter, 2012, vol. 57. [ DOI : 10.1515/bmt-2012-4152 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00736523 -
20R. Deriche, J. Treilhard.
Using Radial NMR Profiles to Characterize Pore Size Distributions, in: Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging - Conference 8314 : Image Processing, San Diego, California, US., February 2012. -
21J. Fruitet, A. Carpentier, R. Munos, M. Clerc.
Bandit Algorithms boost Brain Computer Interfaces for motor-task selection of a brain-controlled button, in: proceedings of NIPS, December 2012. -
22A. Ghosh, T. Papadopoulo, R. Deriche.
Biomarkers for HARDI : 2nd and 4th Order Tensor Invariants, in: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, May 2012. -
23A. Ghosh, T. Papadopoulo, R. Deriche.
Generalized Invariants of a 4th order tensor: Building blocks for new biomarkers in dMRI, in: Computational Diffusion MRI Workshop (CDMRI), MICCAI, 2012, p. 165–173.
http://cmic. cs. ucl. ac. uk/ cdmri12/ pdfs/ p6. pdf -
24M. Liu, B. C. Vemuri, R. Deriche.
Unsupervised Automatic White Matter Fiber Clustering Using a Gaussian Mixture Model, in: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, May 2012. -
25S. Merlet, E. Caruyer, R. Deriche.
Parametric dictionary learning for modeling EAP and ODF in diffusion MRI, in: MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, October 2012, vol. 7512, 7512 p, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
http://hal. archives-ouvertes. fr/ hal-00728067 -
26S. Merlet, E. Caruyer, A. Ghosh, R. Deriche.
Parametric Dictionary Learning in Diffusion MRI, in: HARDI reconstruction workshop - ISBI - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Barcelona, Spain, Alessandro Daducci and Jean-Philippe Thiran and Yves Wiaux, May 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00697102 -
27S. Merlet, R. Deriche, K. Whittingstall, M. Descoteaux.
Diffusion and multiple orientations from 1.5 MR systems with limited gradient tables, in: ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australie, May 2012, 1922 p.
http://hal. archives-ouvertes. fr/ hal-00712686 -
28S. Merlet, M. Paquette, R. Deriche, M. Descoteaux.
Ensemble Average Propagator Reconstruction via Compressed Sensing: Discrete or Continuous Bases ?, in: ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting, Australie, May 2012, 2277 p.
http://hal. archives-ouvertes. fr/ hal-00712687 -
29S. Merlet, A.-C. Philippe, R. Deriche, M. Descoteaux.
Tractography via the Ensemble Average Propagator in diffusion MRI, in: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Nice, France, October 2012, vol. 7511, 7511 p, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
http://hal. archives-ouvertes. fr/ hal-00727797 -
30T. Milne, A. Ghosh, R. Deriche.
Constrained Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Using Ternary Quartics and MLE, in: Computational Diffusion MRI Workshop (CDMRI), 2012, MICCAI, 2012, p. 153–164.
http://cmic. cs. ucl. ac. uk/ cdmri12/ pdfs/ p5. pdf -
31A.-C. Philippe, M. Clerc, T. Papadopoulo, R. Deriche.
A nested cortex parcellation combining analysis of MEG forward problem and diffusion MRI tractography, in: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, May 2012. -
32A.-C. Philippe, M. Clerc, T. Papadopoulo, R. Deriche.
Whole cortex parcellation combining analysis of MEG forward problem, structural connectivity and Brodmann's atlas, in: BIOMAG, Paris, France, September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00760042 -
33E. M. Thomas, J. Fruitet, M. Clerc.
Investigating brief motor imagery for an ERD/ERS based BCI, in: 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'12), 2012, p. 2929-2932.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1109/ EMBC. 2012. 6346577 -
34G. Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, A. Tristán-Vega, S. Aja-Fernández, M. Martín-Fernández, C. Palencia, R. Deriche.
Anisotropic LMMSE denoising of MRI based on statistitcal tissue models, in: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, May 2012.
National Conferences with Proceeding
35A.-C. Philippe, M. Clerc, R. Deriche.
dMRI tractography of WM fibers to recover the anatomical connectivity supporting a MEG epileptic network, in: SFRMBM, Marseille, France, March 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00760041 -
36A.-C. Philippe, J.-C. Lombardo.
Study of the brain connectivity in an Immersive Space, in: AFRV, Strasbourg, France, September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00760084
Conferences without Proceedings
37E. Olivi, M. Clerc, T. Papadopoulo.
Domain Decomposition to handle versatile conductivity models, in: Proceedings of Biomag, 2012. -
38E. Olivi, A. Gramfort, T. Papadopoulo, M. Clerc.
The adjoint method of OpenMEEG for EEG and MEG with large source space, in: Proceedings of Biomag, 2012.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ athena/ Publications/ 2012/ olivi-gramfort-etal:12. pdf -
39A.-C. Philippe, M. Clerc, T. Papadopoulo, R. Deriche.
Whole cortex parcellation combining analysis of MEG forward problem, structural connectivity and Brodmann atlas, in: Proceedings of Biomag, 2012.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
40J. De Munck, C. Wolters, M. Clerc.
EEG and MEG: forward modeling, in: Handbook of Neural Activity Measurement, R. Brette, A. Destexhe (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 192-256.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00736444
Scientific Popularization
41A. Demir, M. Ünel, R. Deriche, G. Ünal.
Elliptic fourier features of brain white matter pathways, in: 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Fethiye, Türkiye, 2012.
Other Publications
42A.-C. Philippe.
L'art assisté par ordinateur, January 2012, article de vulgarisation scientifique.
http://interstices. info/ jcms/ i_58118/ l-art-assiste-par-ordinateur
43A. Barmpoutis, M. S. Hwang, D. Howland, J. R. Forder, B. C. Vemuri.
Regularized Positive-Definite Fourth-Order Tensor Field Estimation from DW-MRI, in: NeuroImage, March 2009, vol. 45, no 1, p. S153-162.. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.10.056 ]
http://www. sciencedirect. com/ science/ journal/ 10538119 -
44P. J. Basser, J. Mattiello, D. Le Bihan.
Estimation of the effective self-diffusion tensor from the NMR spin echo, in: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 1994, vol. B, no 103, p. 247–254. -
45P. J. Basser, J. Mattiello, D. Le Bihan.
MR Diffusion Tensor Spectroscopy and imaging, in: Biophysical Journal, 1994, vol. 66, no 1, p. 259–267. -
46C. Beaulieu.
The basis of anisotropic water diffusion in the nervous system - a technical review, in: NMR in Biomedicine, 2002, vol. 15, p. 435-455. -
47T. E. J. Behrens, H. Johansen-Berg, S. Jbabdi, M. Rushworth, M. Woolrich.
Probabilistic diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations. What can we gain?, in: NeuroImage, January 2007, vol. 34, no 1, p. 144-155.
http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pubmed/ 17070705 -
48M. Descoteaux, E. Angelino, S. Fitzgibbons, R. Deriche.
Apparent Diffusion Coefficients from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging: Estimation and Applications, in: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2006, vol. 56, p. 395–410.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2006/ descoteaux-angelino-etal:06c. pdf -
49M. Descoteaux, R. Deriche.
High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Segmentation Using Region-Based Statistical Surface Evolution, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, February 2009, vol. 33, no 2, p. 239-252.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2009/ descoteaux-deriche:09. pdf -
50M. Descoteaux.
High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI: From Local Estimation to Segmentation and Tractography, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, February 2008.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ PhDs/ descoteaux_thesis. pdf -
51Q. Dong, R. Welsh, T. Chenevert, R. Carlos, P. Maly-Sundgren, D. Gomez-Hassan, S. Mukherji.
Clinical Applications of Diffusion Tensor Imaging, in: Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2004, vol. 19, p. 6–18. -
52J. Fruitet, A. Carpentier, R. Munos, M. Clerc.
Automatic motor task selection via a bandit algorithm for a brain-controlled button, in: Journal of Neural Engineering, January 2013. -
53A. Ghosh, R. Deriche.
From Second to Higher Order Tensors in Diffusion-MRI, in: Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision, S. Aja-Fernández, R. de Luis García, D. Tao, X. Li (editors), Advances in Pattern Recognition, Springer London, May 2009, chap. 9. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-1-84882-299-3 ]
http://www. springer. com/ computer/ computer+imaging/ book/ 978-1-84882-298-6 -
54A. Ghosh, R. Deriche.
Fast and Analytical EAP Approximation from a 4th Order Tensor, in: International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Special Issue: Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Biomedical Imaging, 2013. -
55A. Ghosh, R. Deriche.
From Diffusion MRI to Brain Connectomics, in: Modeling in Computational Biology and Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor, F. Cazals, P. Kornprobst (editors), Springer, 2013, chap. 6, p. 137–166. -
56A. Ghosh.
High Order Models in Diffusion MRI and Applications, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, April 2011.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ athena/ Publications/ PhDs/ ghosh:11. pdf -
57A. Ghosh, E. Tsigaridas, B. Mourrain, R. Deriche.
A polynomial approach for extracting the extrema of a spherical function and its application in diffusion MRI, in: Medical Image Analysis, 2013. -
58K. M. Jansons, D. C. Alexander.
Persistent angular structure: new insights fom diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data, in: Inverse Problems, 2003, vol. 19, p. 1031-1046. -
59D. Le Bihan, E. Breton.
Imagerie de Diffusion it in vivo par Résonnance Magnétique Nucléaire, in: CR Académie des Sciences, 1985, no 301, p. 1109-1112. -
60D. Le Bihan, J.-F. Mangin, C. Poupon, C. Clark, S. Pappata, N. Molko, H. Chabriat.
Diffusion tensor imaging: concepts and applications., in: J Magn Reson Imaging., 2001, vol. 13, no 4, p. 534-46.
http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pubmed/ 11276097 -
61C. Lenglet, J. S. W. Campbell, M. Descoteaux, G. Haro, P. Savadjiev, D. Wassermann, A. Anwander, R. Deriche, G. B. Pike, G. Sapiro, K. Siddiqi, P. Thompson.
Mathematical Methods for Diffusion MRI Processing, in: NeuroImage, March 2009, vol. 45, no 1, p. S111-S122..
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2009/ lenglet-campbell-etal:09. pdf -
62C. Lenglet, M. Rousson, R. Deriche.
DTI Segmentation by Statistical Surface Evolution, in: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,, June 2006, vol. 25, no 06, p. 685–700.
ftp://ftp-sop. inria. fr/ odyssee/ Publications/ 2006/ lenglet-rousson-etal:06c. pdf -
63M. Liu, B. C. Vemuri, R. Deriche.
A robust variational approach for simultaneous smoothing and estimation of DTI, in: NeuroImage, February 2013, vol. 67, p. 33–41. -
64K. Merboldt, W. Hanicke, J. Frahm.
Self-diffusion NMR Imaging Using Stimulated Echoes, in: J. Magn. Reson., 1985, vol. 64, p. 479–486. -
65M. Moseley, Y. Cohen, J. Mintorovitch, J. Kucharczyk, J. Tsuruda, P. Weinstein, D. Norman.
Evidence of Anisotropic Self-Diffusion, in: Radiology, 1990, vol. 176, p. 439–445. -
66P. Osment, K. Packer, M. Taylor, J. J. Attard, T. A. Carpenter, L. D. Hall, S. J. Doran, N. J. Herrod.
NMR Imaging of Fluids in Porous Solids, in: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1990, vol. 333, p. 441–452. -
67C. Pierpaoli, P. Jezzard, P. J. Basser, A. Barnett, G. D. Chiro.
Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging of Human Brain, in: Radiology, 1996, vol. 201, p. 637–648. -
68C. Poupon.
Détection des faisceaux de fibres de la substance blanche pour l'étude de la connectivité anatomique cérébrale., Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, December 1999. -
69S. Rossignol, M. Schwab, M. Schwartz, M. Fehlings.
Spinal cord injury: time to move ?, in: The Journal of Neuroscience,, October 2007, vol. 27, p. 11782-11792. [ DOI : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3444-07.2007 ]
http://www. jneurosci. org/ cgi/ content/ full/ 27/ 44/ 11782 -
70D. Taylor, M. Bushell.
The spatial mapping of translational diffusion coefficients by the NMR imaging technique, in: Phys. Med. Biol., 1985, vol. 30, p. 345-349. [ DOI : 10.1088/0031-9155/30/4/009 ]
http://www. iop. org/ EJ/ abstract/ 0031-9155/ 30/ 4/ 009 -
71S. Thuret, L. Moon, F. Gage.
Therapeutic interventions after spinal cord injury., in: Nature Reviews Neuroscience, August 2006, vol. 7, p. 628-643. [ DOI : 10.1038/nrn1955 ]
http://www. nature. com/ nrn/ journal/ v7/ n8/ full/ nrn1955. html -
72D. S. Tuch, J. W. Belliveau, R. M. Weisskoff, V. J. Wedeen.
High Angular Resolution Imaging of the Human Brain, in: Proceedings of the International Society for the Magnetic Resonance in Medecine, April 1999.
http://cds. ismrm. org/ ismrm-1999/ PDF2/ 321. pdf -
73D. S. Tuch, T. G. Reese, M. R. Wiegell, N. G. Makris, J. W. Belliveau, V. J. Wedeen.
High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Reveals Intravoxel White Matter Fiber Heterogeneity, in: Magn. Res. Med., 2002, vol. 48, no 4, p. 577–582. -
74D. S. Tuch.
Diffusion MRI of Complex Tissue Structure, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. -
75S. Vallaghé, M. Clerc, J.-M. Badier.
In vivo conductivity estimation using somatosensory evoked potentials and cortical constraint on the source, in: Proceedings of ISBI, April 2007, p. 1036–1039.
http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/ xpls/ abs_all. jsp?arnumber=4193466 -
76V. J. Wedeen, T. G. Reese, D. S. Tuch, M. R. Weigell, J.-G. Dou, R. M. Weisskoff, D. Chessler.
Mapping Fiber Orientation Spectra in Cerebral White Matter with Fourier-Transform Diffusion MRI, in: Proceedings of the International Society for the Magnetic Resonance in Medecine: 8th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 2000, vol. 8. -
77E. Özarslan, T. H. Mareci.
Generalized Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Analytical Relationships Between Diffusion Tensor Imaging and High Angular Resolution Imaging, in: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2003, vol. 50, p. 955–965. -
78E. Özarslan, N. Shemesh, C. G. Koay, Y. Cohen, P. J. Basser.
NMR characterization of general compartment size distributions, in: New Journal of Physics, 2011, vol. 13. -
79E. Özarslan, T. Shepherd, B. C. Vemuri, S. Blackband, T. H. Mareci.
Resolution of Complex Tissue Microarchitecture Using the Diffusion Orientation Transform (DOT), in: NeuroImage, 2006, vol. 31, no 3, p. 1086–1103. -
80E. Özarslan, B. C. Vemuri, T. H. Mareci.
Generalized Scalar Measures for Diffusion MRI Using Trace, Variance and Entropy, in: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2005, vol. 53, no 4, p. 866-876.