Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • We published at least three papers in high impact journals [16] , [31] , [23] : two in PNAS about the use of horizontal transfer in reconstructing and dating the history of bacterial diversification, and one in Nature reviews microbiology about the comparison between experimental and artificial evolution.

  • Guillaume Beslon was nominated as a member of the CoNRS, section 06.

  • 2012 has been fructuous in terms of collaborations between permanent members of the team, sometimes coming from different teams and backgrounds, as it is shown by a submitted article [43] , gathering the different projects in the Computational Cell Biology part.

Best Paper Award :

[39] Effects of public good properties on the evolution of cooperation in Artificial Life XIII.

D. Misevic, A. Frénoy, D. P. Parsons, F. Taddei.