Section: Software

Ancestral Genome Reconstructions

Participant : Eric Tannier.

  • Contact: Eric Tannier (eric.tannier@inria.fr).

  • We participated in the development of a series of softwares for genome organization analysis:

    • ANGES, for ANcestral GEnomeS maps, is a toolkit for ordering ancestral genomic markers in chromosomes. An application note has been published in Bioinformatics in 2012 to advertise its first release. It is hosted at SFU in Vancouver, URL: http://paleogenomics.irmacs.sfu.ca/ANGES/ , under a GNU license, 2012.

    • DeCo, for Detection of Co-evolution, reconstructs neighborhood relationships between genes of ancient genomes, in the presence of gene duplications and losses. It is hosted at the PRABI, the bioinformatics platform in Lyon, URL: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/DeCo/ , under a Cecill license, 2012.

    • DCJ2HP provides bayesian samples of rearrangements scenarios between 2 genomes. It is hosted at the Renyi Institute in Budapest, URL http://www.renyi.hu/~miklosi/DCJ2HP/