Section: New Results

A Theory of Rate Coding Control by Intrinsic Plasticity Effects

H. Berry (Beagle), J. Naudé and B. Delord (ISIR, CNRS UMR 7222, Univ P&M Curie, Paris) and J.T. Paz (Stanford Univ Medical Center, CA, USA).

Over the past decades, experimental and theoretical studies of the cellular basis of learning and memory have mainly focused on synaptic plasticity, the experience-dependent modification of synapses. However, behavioral learning has also been correlated with experience-dependent changes of non-synaptic voltage-dependent ion channels. This intrinsic plasticity changes the neuron’s propensity to fire action potentials in response to synaptic inputs. Thus a fundamental problem is to relate changes of the neuron input-output function with voltage-gated conductance modifications. Using a sensitivity analysis in biophysically realistic models, we depicted a generic dichotomy between two classes of voltage-dependent ion channels [28] . These two classes modify the threshold and the slope of the neuron input-output relation, allowing neurons to regulate the range of inputs they respond to and the gain of that response, respectively. We further provide analytical descriptions that enlighten the dynamical mechanisms underlying these effects and propose a concise and realistic framework for assessing the computational impact of intrinsic plasticity in neuron network models. Our results account for a large repertoire of empirical observations and may enlighten functional changes that characterize development, aging and several neural diseases, which also involve changes in voltage-dependent ion channels.