Section: Scientific Foundations
Parameter identifiability and estimation
When one desires to confront theoretical probabilistic models with real data, statistical tools are obviously crucial. We have focused on two of them: parameter identifiability and parameter estimation.
Parameter identifiability [72] deals with the possibility to give a unique value to each parameter of a mathematical model structure in inverse problems. There are many methods for testing models for identifiability: Laplace transform, similarity transform, Taylor series, local state isomorphism or elimination theory. Most of the current approaches are devoted to a priori identifiability and are based on algebraic techniques. We are particularly concerned with a posteriori identifiability, i.e. after experiments or in a constrained experimental framework and the link with experimental design techniques. Our approach is based on statistical techniques through the use of variance-based methods. These techniques are strongly connected with global sensitivity approaches and Monte Carlo methods.
The parameter estimation for a family of probability laws has a very long story in statistics, and we refer to [33] for an elegant overview of the topic. Moving to the references more closely related to our specific projects, let us recall first that the mathematical description of photodynamic therapy can be split up into three parametric models : the uptake model (pharmacokinetics of the photosensitizing drug into cancer cells), the photoreaction model and the tumor growth model. (i) Several papers have been reported for the application of system identification techniques to pharmacokinetics modeling problems. But two issues were ignored in these previous works: presence of timing noise and identification from longitudinal data. In [31] , we have proposed a bounded-error estimation algorithm based on interval analysis to solve the parameter estimation problem while taking into consideration uncertainty on observation time instants. Statistical inference from longitudinal data based on mixed effects models can be performed by the Monolix software ( ) developed the Monolix group chaired by Marc Lavielle and France Mentré, and supported by Inria. In the recent past, we have used this tool for tumor growth modeling. (ii) According to what we know so far, no parameter estimation study has been reported about the photoreaction model in photodynamic therapy. A photoreaction model, composed of six stochastic differential equations, is proposed in [44] . The main open problem is to access to data. We currently build on an experimental platform which aims at overcoming this technical issue. Moreover, an identifiability study coupled to a global sensitivity analysis of the photoreaction model are currently in progress. (iii) Tumor growth is generally described by population dynamics models or by cell cycle models. Faced with this wide variety of descriptions, one of the main open problems is to identify the suitable model structure. As mentioned above, we currently investigate alternative representations based on branching processes and Markov chains, with a model selection procedure in mind.
A few words should be said about the existing literature on statistical inference for diffusion or related processes, a topic which will be at the heart of three of our projects (namely photodynamic and bacteriophage therapies, as well as fluctuations within molecules). The monograph [53] is a good reference on the basic estimation techniques for diffusion processes. The problem of estimating diffusions observed at discrete times, of crucial importance for applications, has been addressed mainly since the mid 90s. The maximum likelihood techniques, which are also classical for parameter estimation, are well represented by the contributions [45] .
Some attention has been paid recently to the estimation of the coefficients of fractional or multifractional Brownian motion according to a set of observations. Let us quote for instance the nice surveys [30] , [40] . On the other hand, the inference problem for diffusions driven by a fractional Brownian motion is still in its infancy. A good reference on the question is [69] , dealing with some very particular families of equations, which do not cover the cases of interest for us.