Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Conferences organized by our team in 2012:

  • STochastic ANalysis days, 9-11 May: A 3 days international meeting gathering some of the best specialists in stochastic analysis and applications (including statistics and fractional fields). Organizers: C. Lacaux, I. Nourdin, S. Tindel.

  • Journée Fédération Charles Hermite, 15 October: Modeling for Cancer Therapies. Organizers: W. Blondel, S. Tindel.

  • Journée Modélisation des Biomolécules et leurs Interactions, 25-26 October. Organizers: M-D. Devignes, Aurélie Muller-Gueudin.

  • Weekly Biostats Seminar at IECN, organized by Aurélie Muller-Gueudin. See http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~muller/gt.html .