Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
J.-L. Gouzé is a member of the scientific committees for the conferences "Stic et Environnement", BIOMATH and CIFA ; also for the conference for G. Sallet (Senegal 2012). He is in the Inria committee supervising the doctoral theses, and a member of the committee of Labex SIGNALIFE of the University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, and of COREBIO PACA. He is a member of the board of the SFBT (French Speaking Society for Theoretical Biology).
M. Chaves is the coordinator of the ANR project GEMCO. Since September 2011 she is also a member of the COST-GTRI (the Working Group on International Relations in Inria's Council for Scientific and Technological Orientation). The Group is in charge of evaluating the Inria's Associated Teams as well as some project proposals (EuroMed 3+3), and ERCIM post-docs.
O. Bernard is in the technical committee of the Computer Applied to Biotechnology (CAB) conferences. He is in the scientific committee of the French conference "Stic et Environnement". He is a member of the scientific committee of the competitivity pole “Trimatec”. O. Bernard represents Inria at the ANCRE (Alliance Nationale de Coordination de la Recherche pour l'Energie), in the biomass committee. He is member of the ADT (Technological Development Actions) at Inria.
F. Grognard is a member of the NICE committee, which allocates post-doctoral grants and fundings for visiting scientists at Inria Sophia Antipolis.
P. Bernhard is a member of the scientific committees of the doctoral school “Sciences fondamentales et appliquées” at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. On behalf of the Chairman of PERSAN, he is also in the scientific committee of the “Parc naturel régional des Alpes d'Azur”.