Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Title: Pesticide Use-and-Risk reduction in European farming systems with Integrated Pest Management


  • Instrument: Collaborative Project (CP)

  • Duration: 2011 - 2014

  • Coordinator: Françoise Lescourret (INRA Avignon, FR)

  • Other partners: Research: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA (FR) Rothamsted Research - RReS (UK) Aarhus University - AU (DK) Julius Kühn Institut - JKI (DE) Stichting DLO - DLO (NL) Wageningen University - WU (NL) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR (IT) Agricultural Institute of Slovenia - KIS (SLO) James Hutton Institute - JHI (UK) Fondazione Edmund Mach - FEM (IT) Instituto Valenciano de Investigacio- nes Agrarias - IVIA (ES) Institute of Plant Protection - IOR (PL) University of Debrecen - Centre of Agricultural Sciences - UDCAS (HU) Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - JRC-IPTS (EU Extension: Knowledge Centre for Agriculture - VFL (DK) Association de Coordination Technique Agricole - ACTA (FR) Industry: Bayer Crop Science (DE) BIOTOP (FR) Natural Plant Protection (FR) Burkard Manufacturing Co Ltd (UK) Blgg Bv (NL) Management: INRA Transfert (FR)

  • See also: http://www.pure-ipm.eu/project

  • Abstract: The overall objective of PURE is to provide practical integrated pest management (IPM) solutions to reduce dependence on pesticides in selected major farming systems in Europe, thereby contributing to a reduction of the risks to human health and the environment and facilitating the implementation of the pesticides package legislation while ensuring continued food production of sufficient quality.

    PURE will provide IPM solutions and a practical toolbox for their implementation in key European farming systems (annual arable and vegetable, perennial, and protected crops) in which reduction of pesticide use and better control of pests will have major effects. In that project, L. Mailleret develops modeling approaches dedicated to the optimization of plant protection methods relying on biological control and integrated pest management.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • Univ. Polytechnique Mons: Service d'Automatique (B)

  • Modeling of photosynthesis

  • Imperial college, Department of Chemical engineering (UK)

  • Modeling and optimization of microalgal based processes.

  • Imperial College, Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation, Dept. of Bioengineering (UK)

  • Study of metabolic/genetic models

  • University of Stuttgart, Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control (D)

  • Identification of gene networks