Section: Software
DURASE: Automatic Synthesis of Application-Specific Processor Extensions
Participants : Christophe Wolinski [corresponding author] , François Charot, Antoine Floc'h.
Keywords: compilation for reconfigurable systems, instruction-set extension, pattern extraction, graph covering, constraint-based programming.
We are developing a framework enabling the automatic synthesis of application specific processor extensions. It uses advanced technologies, such as algorithms for graph matching and graph merging together with constraints programming methods. The framework is organized around several modules.
CoSaP: Constraint Satisfaction Problem. The goal of CoSaP is to decouple the statement of a constraint satisfaction problem from the solver used to solve it. The CoSaP model is an Eclipse plugin described using EMF to take advantage of the automatic code generation and of various EMF tools.
HCDG: Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graph. HCDG is an intermediate representation mixing control and data flow in a single acyclic representation. The control flow is represented as hierarchical guards specifying the execution or the definition conditions of nodes. It can be used in the Gecos compilation framework via a specific pass which translates a CDFG representation into an HCDG.
Patterns: Flexible tools for identification of computational pattern in a graph and graph covering. These tools model the concept of pattern in a graph and provide generic algorithms for the identification of pattern and the covering of a graph. The following sub-problems are addressed: (sub)-graphs isomorphism, patterns generation under constraints, covering of a graph using a library of patterns. Most of the implemented algorithms use constraints programming and rely on the CoSaP module to solve the optimization problem.