Section: New Results
Reconfigurable Architecture Design
Reconfiguration Controller
Participants : Robin Bonamy, Daniel Chillet, Sébastien Pillement.
Dynamically reconfigurable architectures, which can offer high performance, are increasingly used in different domains. Unfortunately, lots of applications cannot benefit from this new paradigm due to large timing overhead. Even for partial reconfiguration, modifying a small region of an FPGA takes few ms using the 14.5MB/s IP from Xilinx based on an embedded micro blaze processor. To cope with this problem by increasing performance, we have developed an ultra-fast power-aware reconfiguration controller (UPaRC) to boost the reconfiguration throughput up to 1.433 GB/s. UPaRC cannot only enhance the system performance, but also auto-adapt to various performance and consumption conditions. This could enlarge the range of supported applications and can optimize power-timing trade-off of reconfiguration phase for each selected application during run-time. The energy-efficiency of UPaRC over state-of-the-art reconfiguration controllers is up to 45 times more efficient [66] .
Low-Power Reconfigurable Arithmetic Operators
Participants : Vivek D. Tovinakere, Olivier Sentieys, Arnaud Tisserand.
Arithmetic operators with fixed input data sizes are a source of unnecessary power consumption when data of lower precision have to be processed for significant amount of time. Configuring the arithmetic operator for lower precision when adequate and suppressing standby power in unused logic gates of the circuit can provide the benefit of reduced power consumption. In this work a logic clustering approach to partition arithmetic circuits as a function of reconfigurable input data widths is presented. Unused clusters at a specific precision are power-gated to achieve aggressive leakage power reduction that is a source of significant power consumption in nanoscale technologies. Application of this method to two types of 32-bit adders, reconfigurable to four precisions of data in 65nm CMOS technology shows a possible reduction in power consumption by a factor of 8 to 13 with an area overhead of 15% and 9.2% respectively. The variation of energy savings with respect to standby time of unused logic and frequency of precision adaptation was also analyzed.
Ultra-Low-Power Reconfigurable Controllers
Participants : Vivek D. Tovinakere, Olivier Sentieys, Steven Derrien.
Most digital systems use controllers based on a finite state machine (FSM) and datapath model. For specific control tasks, this model gives an energy efficient ASIC-like implementation compared to a microcontroller. This is especially true when the controller is required to execute a pre-specified task flow graph consisting of several basic tasks in applications like wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes. Previously design flows have been proposed to generate FSMs along with datapaths for tasks specified at a high level of abstraction and hence combine them with a scheduler to realize the overall controller. The generated controller was found to be efficient compared to its microcontroller counterpart by over two orders of magnitude in energy per operation metric, but a significant limitation of such controllers is the lack of flexibility. In this work, flexible controllers based on reconfigurable FSMs are considered at an expense of hardware area. Scalable architectures for reconfigurable FSMs based on lookup tables (LUTs) whose complexity may be parameterized by a high level specification of number of states, primary inputs and outputs of an FSM are proposed. Power gating as a low power technique is used to achieve aggressive leakage power reduction by shutting-off power to unused parts of logic at any given time. It is well known that in nanoscale CMOS circuits, the increase in static power density as a cost far exceeds the impact of area due to increased logic integration. The feedback and feedforward structures of a FSM are exploited to reduce programmable interconnections - a key issue in reconfigurable logic like FPGAs. Power estimation results show good performance of proposed architectures on different metrics when compared with other solutions in the design space of controllers for WSN nodes.
Models for Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems
Power Models
Participants : Robin Bonamy, Daniel Chillet, Olivier Sentieys.
Including a reconfigurable area in a heterogeneous system-on-chip is considered as an interesting solution to reduce area and increase performance. But the key challenge in the context of embedded systems is currently the power budget of the system, and the designer needs some early estimations of the power consumption of its system. Power estimation for reconfigurable systems is a difficult problem because several parameters need to be taken into account to define an accurate model.
In this work, we considered dynamic reconfiguration that makes possible to partially reconfigure a specific part of the circuit while the rest of the system is running. This technique has two main effects on power consumption. First, thanks to the area sharing ability, the global size of the device can be reduced and the static (leakage) power consumption can thus be also reduced. Secondly, it is possible to delete the configuration of a part of the device which reduces the dynamic power consumption when a task is no longer used. We have defined several models of power consumption for the dynamic reconfiguration on a Virtex 5 board and a first model of the power consumption of the reconfiguration. This model shows that the power consumption not only depends on the bitstream file size but also on the content of the reconfiguration region. Finally three models of the partial and dynamic reconfiguration with different complexities/accuracy tradeoffs are extracted [52] .
High-Level Modeling of Reconfigurable Architectures
Participants : Robin Bonamy, Daniel Chillet.
To model complex multiprocessor SoCs, the Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) has been adopted. We have proposed an extension of AADL towards reconfigurable systems to support power consumption and dynamic reconfiguration modeling. As different power/energy/time/cost tradeoffs can be achieved for a given application, we proposed to represent as Pareto frontiers the set of values of power/energy vs. execution time or cost to model the execution of an application on the reconfigurable system. These Pareto frontiers are computed from analysis functions which extract and combine component characteristics from AADL models. These functions, developed in OCL (Object Constraint Language), are well suited for design space exploration and they can be used to extract the energy/power properties from the model to compute and to verify user's constraints.
To complete these levels of description, we started the development of techniques for constraint verifications. These developments are based on the OCL language, which allows one to extract characteristics on the AADL model, compute mathematical expressions and finally verify mathematical constraints. These verifications have been developed for power and energy consumption, they include static and dynamic power estimation, the power consumption during the dynamic reconfiguration process and the reconfiguration speed. They handle all energy/power parameters related to reconfigurable architectures for an energy estimation of a complete application and heterogeneous system. We currently work on the link between the design space exploration explained in the previous section and the AADL models developed in collaboration with the LEAT laboratory, and to be included in the Open-People Platform [27] , [54] , [76] , [71] .
Fault-Tolerant Reconfigurable Architectures
Participants : Sébastien Pillement, Manh Pham, Stanislaw Piestrak [Univ. Metz] .
In terms of complex systems implementation, reconfigurable fpga s circuits are now part of the mainstream thanks to their flexibility, performance and high number of integrated resources. fpga s enter new fields of applications such as aeronautics, military, automotive or confined control thanks to their ability to be remotely updated. However, these fields of applications correspond to harsh environments (cosmic radiation, ionizing, electromagnetic noise) and with high fault-tolerance requirements. We proposed a complete framework to design reconfigurable architecture supporting fault-tolerance mitigation schemes. The proposed framework enables simulation, validation of mitigation operations, but also the scaling of architecture resources. The proposed model was validated thanks to a physical implementation of the fault-tolerant reconfigurable platform. Results have shown the effectiveness of the framework [39] and confirmed the potential of dynamically reconfigurable architectures for supporting fault-tolerance in embedded systems.
Low-Power Architectures
Wakeup Time and Wakeup Energy Estimation in Power-Gated Logic Clusters
Participants : Olivier Sentieys, Vivek D. Tovinakere.
Run-time power gating for aggressive leakage reduction has brought into focus the cost of mode transition overheads due to frequent switching between sleep and active modes of circuit operation. In order to design circuits for effective power gating, logic circuits must be characterized for overheads they present during mode transitions. We have proposed a method to determine steady-state virtual-supply voltage in active mode and hence present a model for virtual-supply voltage in terms of basic circuit parameters. Further, we derived expressions for the estimation of two mode transition overheads: wakeup time and wakeup energy for a power-gated logic cluster using the proposed model. Experimental results of application of the model to ISCAS85 benchmark circuits show that wakeup time may be estimated within a low average error across large variation in sleep transistor sizes and variation in circuit sizes with significant speedup in computation time compared to transistor-level circuit simulations [73] .
Arithmetic Operators for Cryptography
Participants : Arnaud Tisserand, Emmanuel Casseau, Thomas Chabrier, Danuta Pamula, Karim Bigou, Franck Bucheron, Jérémie Métairie.
Arithmetic Operators for Fast and Secure Cryptography
Electrical activity variations in a circuit are one of the information
leakage used in side channel attacks. In [65] , we
Paper [64] presents overview of the most
ECC Processor with Protections Against SCA
A dedicated processor for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is under
development. Functional units for arithmetic operations in
3D Heterogeneous SoC Design
Participants : Quang-Hai Khuat, Hoa Le, Sébastien Pillement, Emmanuel Casseau, Antoine Courtay, Daniel Chillet, Olivier Sentieys.
A three-dimensional system-on-chip is an SoC in which two or more layers of dies are stacked vertically into a single circuit and integrated within a single package. 3D stacking is an emerging solution that provides a new dimension in performance by reducing the distances that signals need to travel between the different blocks of a system. Interconnects in future technologies are known to be a major bottleneck for performance and power. In this context, 3D implementations can help alleviate the performance and power overheads of on-chip wiring.
In the context of 3D SoC, we have developed a spatio-temporal scheduling algorithm for 3D architecture composed of two layers: i) a homogenous Chip MultiProcessor (CMP) layer and ii) a homogeneous embedded Field-Programmable Gate Array (eFPGA) layer, interconnected by through-silicon vias (TSVs), thus ensuring tight coupling between software tasks on processors and associated hardware accelerators on the eFPGA. We extended the Proportionate-fair (Pfair) algorithm to tackle 3D heterogeneous multiprocessors. Unlike Pfair, our algorithm copes with task dependencies and global communication cost. Communication cost is computed by summing not only point-to-point/direct communication cost, but also memory cost. Our algorithm favours direct communication onto the eFPGA layer, but uses shared memory when direct communications are not possible [61] , [75] , [74] .