Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Takashi Hattori, Simon Labrunie and Jean-Rodolphe Roche participate in the ANR project “CHROME” (Heating, Reflectometry and Waves for Magnetized Plasma), grouping researchers from Université Paris 6 (B. Després, M. Campos Pinto and others), the Inria project-team POEMS (E. Bécache, C. Hazard and P. Joly) and Université de Lorraine (S. Heuraux). Simon Labrunie is the head of the Lorraine team.

    The CHROME project seeks to develop advanced mathematical and numerical tools for the simulation of electromagnetic waves in strongly magnetized plasmas (e.g., tokamak plasmas) in the context of reflectometry (a technique for probing the plasma by analysing the propagation of electromagnetic waves) and heating.

  • GYPSI project (2010–2014), https://sites.google.com/site/anrgypsi/ : coordinator Philippe Ghendrih (CEA Cadarache), other participants, University of Marseille, Universities of Strasbourg and Nancy (CALVI project-team). The aim is to understand the physics of turbulence in magnetically confined plasma using numerical simulation

  • accepted ANR project ”PEPPSI” in Programme Blanc SIMI 9 – Sciences de l’ingénierie (Edition 2012). Participants : Giovanni Manfredi (coordinator), Sever Hirstoaga.

  • Stéphanie Salmon is a major member of ANR Project "VIVABRAIN" (Modèles Numériques, 2012) from 2013 to 2016.

Euratom-CEA projects

  • Michel Mehrenberger is the coordinator of the project FR FCM (CNRS Federation on Magnetic Confinement Fusion), within Euratom-CEA association, Title:"Numerical Methods for GYSELA", the goal is to help improving the numerical algorithms used by the GYSELA code developed at CEA Cadarache for the simulation of turbulence in magnetic fusion plasmas.

  • Jean Roche is the coordinator of the FR FCM project with Euratom-CEA association, Title: "Full wave modeling of lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks". The goal of this project is to develop a full wave method to describe the dynamics of lower hybrid current drive problem in tokamaks.