Section: New Results


Participant : Mathieu Hoyrup.

Inversion of computable functions

We strengthen the preceding result by making P and Q computable. This result is a particular case of a more general problem. In many situations an operator FY can be computed but can hardly be reversed: given F(x), x cannot always we recovered (computed) even when F is one-to-one. We introduce a strong notion of discontinuity for the inverse of F and prove that it entails the existence of a non-computable xX such that F(x) is computable. Our result on the ergodic decomposition can be derived by applying our general result to the operator F(P,Q)=P+Q which is computable but difficult to reverse. At the same time we prove a significant improvement of a classical result of Pour-El and Richards [67] about the computability of linear operators. The paper [26] is currently submitted.

Computability and measure theory.

We study the constructive content of the Radon-Nikodym theorem, show that it is not computable in general and precisely locate its non-computability in the Weihrauch lattice. The paper [15] appeared in the first issue of the new journal Computability.