Section: New Results

Computer virology

Behavioral analysis

Participants : Isabelle Gnaedig, Jean-Yves Marion.

Our study on behavioural malware detection has been continued. We have been developing an approach detecting suspicious schemes on an abstract representation of the behavior of a program, by abstracting program traces, rewriting given subtraces into abstract symbols representing their functionality. Considering abstract behaviors allows us to be implementation-independent and robust to variants and mutations of malware. Suspicious behaviors are then detected by comparing trace abstractions to reference malicious behaviors.

We had previously proposed to abstract trace automata by rewriting them with respect to a set of predefined behavior patterns defined as a regular language described by a string rewriting system  [32] . We then have increased the power of our approach on two aspects. We fist have modified the abstraction mechanism, keeping the abstracted patterns in the rewritten traces, which allows us to handle interleaved patterns. Second, we have extended the rewriting framework to express data constraints on action parameters by using term rewriting systems. An important consequence is that, unlike in  [32] , using the data-flow, we can now detect information leaks in order to prevent unauthorized disclosure or modifications of information.

We also have introduced model checking in our approach: the predefined behavior patterns, used to abstract program traces, have been defined by first order temporal logic formulas, as well as the reference suspicious behaviors, given in a signature. The infection problem can then be seen as the satisfaction problem of the formula of the signature by an abstracted trace of the program, which can be checked using existing model checking techniques. This work has been published at the ESORICS conference [20] .

Analyzing cryptographic implementations

Participants : Joan Calvet, Jean-Yves Marion.

Analyzing cryptographic implementations has important applications, especially for malware analysis where they are an integral part both of the malware payload and the unpacking code that decrypts this payload. These implementations are often based on well-known cryptographic functions, whose description is publicly available. While potentially very useful for malware analysis, the identification of such cryptographic primitives is made difficult by the fact that they are usually obfuscated. Current state-of-the-art identification tools are ineffective due to the absence of easily identifiable static features in obfuscated code. However, these implementations still maintain the input-output (I/O) relationship of the original function. In a joint work with José M. Fernandez published in [22] , we present a tool that leverages this fact to identify cryptographic functions in obfuscated programs, by retrieving their I/O parameters in an implementation-independent fashion, and comparing them with those of known cryptographic functions. In experimental evaluation, we successfully identified the cryptographic functions TEA, RC4, AES and MD5 in obfuscated programs. In addition, our tool was able to recognize basic operations done in asymmetric ciphers such as RSA.


Participant : Jean-Yves Marion.

Self-replication is one of the fundamental aspects of computing where a program or a system may duplicate, evolve and mutate. Our point of view is that Kleene's (second) recursion theorem is essential to understand self-replication mechanisms. An interesting example of self-replication codes is given by computer viruses. This was initially explained in the seminal works of Cohen and of Adleman in the eighties. In fact, the different variants of recursion theorems provide and explain constructions of self-replicating codes and, as a result, of various classes of malware. None of the results are new from the point of view of computability theory. We just propose a self-modifying register machine as a model of computation in which we can effectively deal with self-reproduction and in which new offsprings can be activated as independent organisms. This work was published by Jean-Yves Marion in a special issue on the honor of Alan Turing [16] .

Reverse engineering by morphological analysis

Participants : Guillaume Bonfante, Jean-Yves Marion, Fabrice Sabatier, Aurélien Thierry.

Let us suppose we are given some malware and we want to know what it is doing. One may run it, or one may analyze it more or less statically. Typically, an expert tries to guess the behavior of a malware through the analysis of its binary code (in tools such as Ida). The task is much simpler if the expert already knows some part of the code. We have shown that morphological analysis could be used in such a context. We have rediscovered the parts of the malware Duqu within Stuxnet . We have rediscovered the compilation options used to include OpenSSL's functions within Waledac  [21] .