
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1M. Abadi, V. Cortier.

    Deciding knowledge in security protocols under equational theories, in: Theoretical Computer Science, November 2006, vol. 387, no 1-2, p. 2-32.
  • 2A. Armando, D. Basin, Y. Boichut, Y. Chevalier, L. Compagna, J. Cuellar, P. Hankes Drielsma, P.-C. Héam, O. Kouchnarenko, J. Mantovani, S. Mödersheim, D. von Oheimb, M. Rusinowitch, J. Santos Santiago, M. Turuani, L. Viganò, L. Vigneron.

    The AVISPA Tool for the automated validation of internet security protocols and applications, in: 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV'2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2005, vol. 3576, p. 281-285.
  • 3A. Armando, S. Ranise, M. Rusinowitch.

    A Rewriting Approach to Satisfiability Procedures, in: Journal of Information and Computation — Special Issue on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'01), June 2003, vol. 183, no 2, p. 140–164.
  • 4M. Baudet, V. Cortier, S. Kremer.

    Computationally Sound Implementations of Equational Theories against Passive Adversaries, in: Information and Computation, April 2009, vol. 207, no 4, p. 496-520.
  • 5Y. Boichut, R. Courbis, P.-C. Héam, O. Kouchnarenko.

    Finer is better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations, in: 19th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications - RTA'2008, Hagenberg, Austria, A. Voronkov (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2008, vol. 5117, p. 48-62.
  • 6F. Bouquet, B. Legeard, F. Peureux.

    CLPS-B: A Constraint Solver to Animate a B Specification, in: International Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer, STTT, August 2004, vol. 6, no 2, p. 143–157.
  • 7Y. Chevalier, R. Kuesters, M. Rusinowitch, M. Turuani.

    Complexity results for security protocols with Diffie-Hellman exponentiation and commuting public key encryption, in: ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), 2008, vol. 9, Article 24.
  • 8Y. Chevalier, L. Vigneron.

    Strategy for Verifying Security Protocols with Unbounded Message Size, in: Journal of Automated Software Engineering, April 2004, vol. 11, no 2, p. 141–166.
  • 9F. Dadeau, P.-C. Héam, R. Kheddam.

    Mutation-Based Test Generation from Security Protocols in HLPSL, in: 4th International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST'2011), Berlin, Germany, M. Harman, B. Korel (editors), IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2011. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICST.2011.42 ]

  • 10A. Giorgetti, J. Groslambert, J. Julliand, O. Kouchnarenko.

    Verification of Class Liveness Properties with Java Modelling Language, in: IET Software, 2008, vol. 2, no 6, p. 500-514.
  • 11E. Nicolini, C. Ringeissen, M. Rusinowitch.

    Combinable Extensions of Abelian Groups, in: Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE-22, Montreal, Canada, R. Schmidt (editor), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2009, vol. 5663, p. 51–66.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 12A. Cherif.

    Modèles de Contrôle d'Accès pour les Applications Collaboratives, Université de Lorraine, November 2012.
  • 13E. Fourneret.

    Génération de tests à partir de modèles UML/OCL pour les systèmes critiques évolutifs, Université de Franche-Comté, December 2012.
  • 14J. Lasalle.

    Génération automatique de tests à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation fonctionnelle de systèmes embarqués, Université de Franche-Comté, June 2012.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 15S. Anantharaman, H. Lin, C. Lynch, P. Narendran, M. Rusinowitch.

    Unification modulo Homomorphic Encryption, in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2012, vol. 48, no 2, p. 135–158. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10817-010-9205-y ]

  • 16S. Anantharaman, P. Narendran, M. Rusinowitch.

    String rewriting and security analysis: an extension of a result of Book and Otto, in: Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 2012, vol. 16, no 2–4, p. 83–98, JALC Special Issue in honor of Frederich Otto - To appear (2012).

  • 17M. Baudet, V. Cortier, S. Delaune.

    YAPA: Ag̃eneric tool for computing intruder knowledge, in: ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2012, to appear.

  • 18Y. Chevalier, M. Rusinowitch.

    Decidability of Equivalence of Symbolic Derivations, in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, February 2012, vol. 48, no 2, p. 263-292. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10817-010-9199-5 ]

  • 19S. Ciobaca, S. Delaune, S. Kremer.

    Computing knowledge in security protocols under convergent equational theories, in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2012, vol. 48, no 2, p. 219-262. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10817-010-9197-7 ]

  • 20V. Cortier, S. Delaune.

    Decidability and combination results for two notions of knowledge in security protocols., in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2012, vol. 48, no October, p. 441-487. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10817-010-9208-8 ]

  • 21V. Cortier, B. Smyth.

    Attacking and fixing Helios: An analysis of ballot secrecy, in: Journal of Computer Security, 2012, to appear.

  • 22F. Dadeau, K. Cabrera Castillos, R. Tissot.

    Scenario-Based Testing using Symbolic Animation of B Models, in: Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, March 2012, vol. 6, no 22, p. 407-434. [ DOI : 10.1002/stvr.1467 ]

  • 23L. Droz-Bartholet, J.-C. Lapayre, F. Bouquet, E. Garcia, A. Heinisch.

    Ramos: Concurrent Writing and Reconfiguration for Collaborative Systems, in: Int. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2012, vol. 72, no 5, p. 637–649, 5 5. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.02.012 ]

  • 24P.-C. Héam, V. Hugot, O. Kouchnarenko.

    Loops and overloops for Tree Walking Automata, in: Theoretical Computer Science, September 2012, vol. 450, p. 43-53. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.04.026 ]

  • 25S. Kremer, A. Mercier, R. Treinen.

    Reducing Equational Theories for the Decision of Static Equivalence, in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2012, vol. 48, no 2, p. 197-217. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10817-010-9203-0 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 26F. Ambert, F. Bouquet, J. Lasalle, B. Legeard, F. Peureux.

    Applying an MBT Toolchain to Automotive Embedded Systems: Case Study Reports, in: VALID'12, 4-th Int. Conf. on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012, p. 139–144.

  • 27S. Anantharaman, C. Bouchard, P. Narendran, M. Rusinowitch.

    Unification modulo Chaining, in: The 6th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, A Coruna, Spain, A.-H. Dediu, C. Martín-Vide (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, March 2012, vol. 7183, p. pp. 70–82.

  • 28S. Anantharaman, S. Erbatur, C. Lynch, P. Narendran, M. Rusinowitch.

    Unification modulo Synchronous Distributivity, in: IJCAR 2012 (The 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning), Manchester, United Kingdom, B. Gramlich, D. Miller, U. Sattler (editors), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, June 2012, vol. 7364, p. 14–29.

  • 29A. Armando, W. Arsac, T. Avanesov, M. Barletta, A. Calvi, A. Cappai, R. Carbone, Y. Chevalier, L. Compagna, J. Cuellar, G. Erzse, S. Frau, M. Minea, S. Mödersheim, D. Von Oheimb, G. Pellegrino, S. Elisa Ponta, M. Rocchetto, M. Rusinowitch, M. Torabi Dashti, M. Turuani, L. Vigano.

    The AVANTSSAR Platform for the Automated Validation of Trust and Security of Service-Oriented Architectures, in: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 18th International Conference, TACAS 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, C. Flanagan, B. Konig (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7214, p. 267-282. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28756-5_19 ]

  • 30T. Avanesov, Y. Chevalier, M. A. Mekki, M. Rusinowitch.

    Web Services Verification and Prudent Implementation, in: 4th SETOP International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security, Leuven, Belgium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012.

  • 31T. Avanesov, Y. Chevalier, M. A. Mekki, M. Rusinowitch, M. Turuani.

    Distributed Orchestration of Web Services under Security Constraints, in: 4th SETOP International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security, Leuven, Belgium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012.

  • 32T. Avanesov, Y. Chevalier, M. Rusinowitch, M. Turuani.

    Towards the Orchestration of Secured Services under Non-disclosure Policies., in: 6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2012, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, I. V. Kotenko, V. A. Skormin (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, October 2012, vol. 7531, p. 130-145. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-33704-8_12 ]

  • 33H. Bao Thien, A. Imine.

    On the Polling Problem for Social Networks, in: International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems (OPODIS), Rome, Italy, R. Baldoni, P. Flocchini, R. Binoy (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, December 2012, vol. 7702.

  • 34W. Belkhir, A. Giorgetti.

    Lazy AC-Pattern Matching for Rewriting, in: 10th International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, Novi Sad, Serbia, S. Escobar (editor), 2012, vol. 82, p. 37-51, Extended version of hal-00642515 written in 2012. [ DOI : 10.4204/EPTCS.82.3 ]

  • 35D. Bernhard, V. Cortier, O. Pereira, B. Warinschi.

    Measuring Vote Privacy, Revisited., in: 19th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'12), Raleigh, United States, ACM, 2012.

  • 36R. Chadha, S. Ciobaca, S. Kremer.

    Automated verification of equivalence properties of cryptographic protocols, in: 21th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'12), Talinn, Estonia, H. Seidl (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7211, p. 108-127, The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28869-2_6 ]

  • 37O. Chebaro, N. Kosmatov, A. Giorgetti, J. Julliand.

    Program Slicing Enhances a Verification Technique Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis, in: SAC 2012, 27-th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, Trento, Italy, ACM, 2012, p. 1284-1291. [ DOI : 10.1145/2245276.2231980 ]

  • 38H. Comon-Lundh, V. Cortier, G. Scerri.

    Security proof with dishonest keys, in: 1st International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST'12), Tallinn, Estonia, P. Degano, J. D. Guttman (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7215, p. 149–168, The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28641-4_9 ]

  • 39V. Cortier, J. Degrieck, S. Delaune.

    Analysing routing protocols: four nodes topologies are sufficient, in: 1st International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST'12), Tallinn, Estonia, P. Degano, J. D. Guttman (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7215, p. 30–50, The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28641-4_3 ]

  • 40V. Cortier, G. Steel, C. Wiedling.

    Revoke and Let Live: A Secure Key Revocation API for Cryptographic Devices, in: 19th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'12), Raleigh, United States, ACM, 2012.

  • 41V. Cortier, C. Wiedling.

    A formal analysis of the Norwegian E-voting protocol, in: 1st International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST'12), Tallinn, Estonia, P. Degano, J. D. Guttman (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7215, p. 109–128, The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28641-4_7 ]

  • 42S. Delaune, S. Kremer, D. Pasaila.

    Security protocols, constraint systems, and group theories, in: 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR'12), Manchester, United Kingdom, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7364, p. 164-178. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-31365-3_15 ]

  • 43I. Enderlin, F. Dadeau, A. Giorgetti, F. Bouquet.

    Grammar-Based Testing using Realistic Domains in PHP, in: IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012, Montreal, Canada, IEEE Computer Society, 2012, p. 509-518. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICST.2012.136 ]

  • 44J.-M. Gauthier, F. Bouquet, A. Hammad, F. Peureux.

    Transformation of SysML structure diagrams to VHDL-AMS, in: dMEMS 2012, Workshop on design, control and software implementation for distributed MEMS, Besançon, France, J. Bourgeois, M. de Labachelerie (editors), IEEE CPS, 2012, p. 74-81. [ DOI : 10.1109/dMEMS.2012.12 ]

  • 45A. Giorgetti, V. Senni.

    Specification and Validation of Algorithms Generating Planar Lehman Words, in: GASCom 2012 - 8th International Conference on random generation of combinatorial structures, Bordeaux, France, 2012.

  • 46P.-C. Héam, V. Hugot, O. Kouchnarenko.

    From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions, in: IJCAR - International Joint Conference on Automated Reasonning 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7364, p. 316-331, The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-31365-3_25 ]

  • 47P.-C. Héam, V. Hugot, O. Kouchnarenko.

    On Positive TAGED with a Bounded Number of Constraints, in: CIAA - 17th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata 2012, Porto, Portugal, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7381, p. 329-336, The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-31606-7_29 ]

  • 48H. Mahfoud, A. Imine.

    On Securely Manipulating XML Data, in: 5th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security - FPS 2012, Montréal, Canada, December 2012.

  • 49H. Mahfoud, A. Imine.

    Secure querying of recursive XML views: a standard xpath-based technique, in: The World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012), Lyon, France, ACM, April 2012, p. 575-576. [ DOI : 10.1145/2187980.2188134 ]

  • 50A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, Q. Alejandro.

    On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach, in: International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY 2012), Paris, France, August 2012.

  • 51T. Triki, Y. Ledru, L. Du Bousquet, F. Dadeau, J. Botella.

    Model-Based Filtering of Combinatorial Test Suites, in: Fundamental Aspects of Software Engineering (FASE'2012), Tallinn, Estonia, J. de Lara, A. Zisman (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, March 2012, vol. 7212, p. 439-454, The original publication is available at www.springerlinl.com. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28872-2_30 ]

  • 52E. Tushkanova, A. Giorgetti, C. Ringeissen, O. Kouchnarenko.

    A Rule-Based Framework for Building Superposition-Based Decision Procedures, in: Rewriting Logic and Its Applications, Tallinn, Estonia, F. Durán (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012, vol. 7571, p. 221-239. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-34005-5_12 ]

  • 53B. Yang, W. Belkhir, R. Dhara, A. Giorgetti, M. Lenczner.

    Rewriting Strategies for a Two-Scale Method: Application to Combined Thin and Periodic Structures, in: d Software Implementation for Distributed MEMS - dMEMS 2012, Besançon, France, IEEE Computer Society, 2012, p. 82-89. [ DOI : 10.1109/dMEMS.2012.14 ]


National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 54E. Fourneret, F. Bouquet, M. Ochoa, J. Jürjens, S. Wenzel.

    Vérification et Test pour des systèmes évolutifs, in: AFADL'12, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, Grenoble, France, 2012, p. 150–164.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 55H. Mahfoud, A. Imine.

    A General Approach for Securely Updating XML Data, in: International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB 2012), Scottsdale, United States, May 2012.

  • 56H. Mahfoud, A. Imine.

    On Securely Manipulating XML Data, in: Conférence des Bases de Données Avancées (BDA 2012), Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2012.


Internal Reports

  • 57T. Avanesov, Y. Chevalier, M. Rusinowitch, M. Turuani.

    Intruder deducibility constraints with negation. Decidability and application to secured service compositions., Inria, July 2012, no RR-8017.

  • 58H. Bao Thien, A. Imine.

    On the Polling Problem for Social Networks, Inria, September 2012, no RR-8055.

  • 59Y. Chevalier, M. Kourjieh.

    Automated Synthesis of a Finite Complexity Ordering for Saturation, March 2012.

  • 60V. Cortier, G. Steel, C. Wiedling.

    Revoke and Let Live: A Secure Key Revocation API for Cryptographic Devices, Inria, July 2012, no RR-7949, 41 p.

  • 61H. Mahfoud, A. Imine.

    A General Approach for Securely Querying and Updating XML Data, Inria, January 2012, no RR-7870, 23 p.

  • 62E. Tushkanova, C. Ringeissen, A. Giorgetti, O. Kouchnarenko.

    Automatic Decidability for Theories Modulo Integer Offsets, Inria, November 2012, no RR-8139, 20 p.


Other Publications

References in notes
  • 65S. Kremer, V. Cortier (editors)

    Formal Models and Techniques for Analyzing Security Protocols, Cryptology and Information Security Series, IOS Press, 2011, vol. 5, 312 p.

  • 66A. Armando, D. Basin, Y. Boichut, Y. Chevalier, L. Compagna, J. Cuellar, P. Hankes Drielsma, P.-C. Héam, O. Kouchnarenko, J. Mantovani, S. Mödersheim, D. Von Oheimb, M. Rusinowitch, J. Santos Santiago, L. Vigano, M. Turuani, L. Vigneron.

    The AVISPA Tool for the automated validation of internet security protocols and applications, in: 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification - CAV 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2005, vol. 3576, p. 281-285.
  • 67C. Arora, M. Turuani.

    Validating Integrity for the Ephemerizer's Protocol with CL-Atse, in: Formal to Practical Security: Papers Issued from the 2005-2008 French-Japanese Collaboration, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009, vol. 5458, p. 21–32.
  • 68F. Baader, K. U. Schulz.

    Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures, in: Journal of Symbolic Computation, February 1996, vol. 21, no 2, p. 211–243.
  • 69W. Belkhir, A. Giorgetti.

    Lazy Rewriting Modulo Associativity and Commutativity, in: WRS 2011, 10-th Int. workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2011, p. 17–21.

  • 70F. Bellegarde, C. Darlot, J. Julliand, O. Kouchnarenko.

    Reformulation: a Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and Refinement, in: International Symposium Formal Methods Europe (FME 2001), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2001, vol. 2021.
  • 71E. Bernard, B. Legeard, X. Luck, F. Peureux.

    Generation of Test Sequences from Formal Specifications: GSM 11-11 Standard Case-Study, in: International Journal on Software Practice and Experience, 2004, vol. 34, no 10, p. 915–948.
  • 72Y. Boichut, P.-C. Héam, O. Kouchnarenko.

    Vérifier automatiquement les protocoles de sécurité, in: Techniques de l'ingénieur, October 2007, p. RE95-1–RE95-8.
  • 73F. Bouquet, B. Legeard.

    Reification of Executable Test Scripts in Formal Specification-Based Test Generation: The Java Card Transaction Mechanism Case Study, in: Formal Methods, FME 2003, Springer-Verlag, September 2003, vol. 2805, p. 778–795.
  • 74F. Bouquet, B. Legeard, F. Peureux.

    CLPS-B - A Constraint Solver for B, in: International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS2002, Grenoble, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, April 2002, vol. 2280, p. 188–204.
  • 75V. Cortier, S. Delaune.

    A method for proving observational equivalence, in: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF'09), Port Jefferson, NY, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, July 2009, p. 266-276.
  • 76V. Cortier, S. Delaune, P. Lafourcade.

    A Survey of Algebraic Properties Used in Cryptographic Protocols, in: Journal of Computer Security, 2006, vol. 14, no 1, p. 1–43.

  • 77V. Cortier, G. Steel.

    A Generic Security API for Symmetric Key Management on Cryptographic Devices, in: Proceedings of the 14th European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (ESORICS'09), St Malo, France, Lecture Notes in Coputer Science, Springer, September 2009, vol. 5789, p. 605-620.
  • 78J. Dick, A. Faivre.

    Automating the Generation and Sequencing of Test Cases from Model-Based Specifications, in: FME'93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, April 1993, vol. 670, p. 268–284.
  • 79S. Even, O. Goldreich.

    On the Security of Multi-Party Ping-Pong Protocols, in: IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1983, p. 34-39.

  • 80B. Legeard, F. Bouquet, N. Pickaert.

    Industrialiser le test fonctionnel, Management des systèmes d'information, Dunod, 2009, 266 p.

  • 81G. Sénizergues.

    The Equivalence Problem for Deterministic Pushdown Automata is Decidable, in: 24th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'97), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1997, p. 671-681.
  • 82M. Turuani.

    The CL-AtSe Protocol Analyser, in: Term Rewriting and Applications - Proc. of RTA, Seattle, WA, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, vol. 4098, p. 277–286.