Section: New Results

Security Protocol Verification

The design of cryptographic protocols is error-prone. Without a careful analysis, subtle flaws may be discovered several years after the publication of a protocol, yielding potential harmful attacks. In this context, formal methods have proved their interest for obtaining good security guarantees. Many analysis techniques have been proposed in the literature [72] . We have edited a book  [65] where each chapter presents an important and now standard analysis technique. We develop new techniques for richer primitives, wider classes of protocols and higher security guarantees.

Equational theories of cryptographic primitives

Participant : Michaël Rusinowitch.

Some attacks exploit in a clever way the interaction between protocol rules and algebraic properties of cryptographic operators. In [76] , we provide a list of such properties and attacks as well as existing formal approaches for analyzing cryptographic protocols under algebraic properties.

Encryption “distributing over pairs” is employed in several cryptographic protocols. We have shown that unification is decidable for an equational theory HE specifying such an encryption  [15] . We model block chaining in terms of a simple, convergent, rewrite system over a signature with two disjoint sorts: list and element and present in [27] an algorithm for deciding the unification problem modulo this rewrite system. Potential applications of this unification procedure include flaw detection for protocols employing the CBC encryption mode. We have also studied a very simple property satisfied by the RSA-based implementation of the blind signature scheme and we have shown its unification problem is undecidable [28] . It is the simplest theory, to our knowledge, for which unification is undecidable.

In their seminal work Dolev and Yao used string rewriting to check protocol security against an active intruder. The main technical result and algorithm were improved by Book and Otto who formulated the security check in terms of an extended word problem for cancellation rules. We extend in [16] their main decidability result to a larger class of string rewrite systems called opt-monadic systems.

Voting protocols

Participants : Mathilde Arnaud, Véronique Cortier, David Galindo-Chacon, Stéphane Glondu, Malika Izabachene, Steve Kremer, Cyrille Wiedling.

Voting is a cornerstone of democracy and many voting systems have been proposed so far, from old paper ballot systems to purely electronic voting schemes. Although many works have been dedicated to standard protocols, very few address the challenging class of voting protocols. We have studied several protocols that are currently in use:

  • Helios is an open-source web-based end-to-end verifiable electronic voting system, used e.g. by UCL and the IACR association in real elections. We have discovered a vulnerability which allows an adversary to compromise the privacy of voters and we have presented a fixed version, showed to satisfy a formal definition of ballot secrecy using the applied pi calculus [21] . One main advantage of Helios is its verifiability, up-to the ballot box (a dishonest ballot box may add ballots). We are now working on defining a variant of Helios that prevents from ballot stuffing, even against a dishonest ballot box. Our approach consists in introducing an additional authorities that provides credentials that the ballot box can verify but not forge. This new version is under implementation and we are proving computational security for both ballot secrecy (inherited from Helios) and full verifiability (due to our credentials).

  • Norway has used e-voting in its last political election in September 2011, with more than 25 000 voters using the e-voting option. Using formal models, we have analyzed the underlying protocol w.r.t. privacy, considering several corruption scenarios [41] .

  • The Section 07 of CNRS (now split into Section 06 and Section 07) has proposed a voting protocol for Face-to-Face meetings to enhanced the verifiability of an election run through electronic devices. We have formally modeled this protocol and proved both ballot secrecy and verifiability.

Even a basic property like ballot secrecy is difficult to define formally and several definitions co-exist. The loss of privacy may not only come from the protocol but also from the tally function itself and depends on what needs to be kept private. We have proposed a general and quantitative definition of privacy, that captures two previously proposed definitions [35] . Security based on cryptography relies on the fact that certain operations (such as decrypting) are computationally infeasible. However, e-voting protocols should also guarantee privacy in the future, when computers will have an increased computational power and will be able e.g. to break nowadays keys. Such privacy in the future is called everlasting privacy and we have proposed a definition of practical everlasting privacy.

Other families of protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Steve Kremer, Robert Künnemann, Cyrille Wiedling.

Securing routing Protocols. The goal of routing protocols is to construct valid routes between distant nodes in the network. If no security is used, it is possible for an attacker to disorganize the network by maliciously interacting with the routing protocols, yielding invalid routes to be built. That is why secure versions of routing protocols are now developed. The security model differs from standard protocols since the adversary can only control some nodes of the network. The security of a routing protocols therefore depends on the network topology. In [39] , we show a simple reduction result: if there is an attack then there is an attack in a four nodes topology. It is therefore sufficient to study security for a finite number of distinct topologies, allowing to reuse existing tools such as ProVerif.

Security APIs. In some systems, it is not possible to trust the host machine on which sensitive codes are executed. In that case, security-critical fragments of a program should be executed on some tamper resistant device (TRD), such as a smartcard, USB security token or hardware security module (HSM). The exchanges between the trusted and the untrusted infrastructures are ensured by special kind of API (Application Programming Interface), that are called security APIs. We have previously designed a generic API for key-management based on key hierarchy  [77] . In [40] , [60] , we have extended our API to handle key-revocation such that the security tokens can still be used (it is not necessary to revoke the full token) and such that any key can be revoked (even upper keys in the hierarchy). In [64] , we propose a universally composable key management functionality and show how to achieve a secure, distributed implementation on TRDs.

Automated verification of indistinguishability properties.

Participants : Rémy Chrétien, Véronique Cortier, Steve Kremer.

New emerging classes of protocols such as voting protocols often require to model less classical security properties, such as anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance to offline guessing attacks. Many of these properties can be modelled using the notion of indistinguishability by an adversary, which can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences.

Static case. The YAPA tool [17] can check static equivalence for convergent equational theories. It is proved to terminate for a wide class of equational theories that includes subterm convergent theories (e.g. encryption, signatures, pairing and hash) and layered convergent theories (e.g. blind signatures). The procedure is generic in the sense that it remains sound and complete (but may not terminate) for any convergent theory. It has been implemented in the YAPA tool(http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~baudet/yapa/ ). The KiSs tool [19] is also able to verify static equivalence for convergent equational theories. Termination has been shown for subterm convergent equational theories (a subset of layered convergent theories) as well as several equational theories motivated by electronic voting protocols such as blind signatures and trap-door commitment schemes (which are out of the scope of YAPA).

In [20] , we show how to combine decision procedures: if static equivalence and deduction are decidable for two disjoint equational theories then they are decidable for the union of the theories. In [25] we develop a method that allows us in some cases to simplify the task of deciding static equivalence in a multi-sorted setting, by removing a symbol from the term signature and reducing the problem to several simpler equational theories. We illustrate our technique at hand of bilinear pairings.

Active case. In [36] we present a novel procedure to verify equivalence properties for a bounded number of sessions which is able to handle a large class of equational theories. Although, we were unable to prove termination of the resolution procedure, the procedure has been implemented in a prototype tool and has been effectively tested on examples. We were able to verify properties such as guessing attacks in password protocols, strong flavors of confidentiality and anonymity properties, including fully automated checking of anonymity of an electronic voting protocol by Fujioka et al. which was outside the scope of existing tools.

In [42] we study this equivalence problem when cryptographic primitives are modeled using a group equational theory, a special case of monoidal equational theories. We reduce the problem to solving systems of equations over rings and provide several new decidability and complexity results, notably for equational theories which have applications in security protocols, such as exclusive or and Abelian groups which may additionally admit a unary, homomorphic symbol.

Rémy Chrétien has recently started a PhD on deciding trace equivalence for an unbounded number of sessions. His first findings show that for some classes of protocols, decidability of trace equivalence can be reduced to equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata (which is decidable  [81] ).

Note that for simple processes without branch nor replication observational equivalence can be reduced to checking whether two symbolic constraints (representing honest agents) are equivalent   [75] . We have published a new proof that symbolic constraints equivalence is decidable for the large class of subterm convergent theories [18] .

Soundness of the Dolev-Yao Model

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Guillaume Scerri.

All the previous results rely on symbolic models of protocol executions in which cryptographic primitives are abstracted by symbolic expressions. This approach enables significantly simple and often automated proofs. However, the guarantees that it offers have been quite unclear compared to cryptographic models that consider issues of complexity and probability. A recent line of research consists in identifying cases where it is possible to obtain the best of both cryptographic and formal worlds: fully automated proofs and strong, clear security guarantees.

Existing soundness results for symmetric encryption are not satisfactory. This is due to the fact that dishonest keys may introduce many behaviors that cannot be easily captured in symbolic models. Guillaume Scerri has started a PhD thesis on designing more flexible symbolic models for cryptographic proofs. His first result is a computationally sound symbolic model in the presence of dishonestly generated keys, allowing a symbolic adversary to generate new equalities between terms, on-the-fly [38] .