Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Nessos is a Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems in FP7-ICT (starting in October 2010 for a period of 42 months). Nessos has 12 partners and aims at constituting and integrating a long lasting research community on engineering secure software-based services and systems. Partner Inria is involved through project-teams Arles, Triskell and Cassis. Cassis will focus on developping tools for service security verification and testing tasks.

  • ProSecure (2011-2016) (http://www.loria.fr/~cortier/ProSecure.html )— ERC Starting Grant Project on Provably secure systems: foundations, design, and modularity. This long-term project aims at developing provably secure systems such as security protocols. The goal is to propose foundations for a careful analysis and design of large classes of up-to-date protocols. To achieve this goal, we foresee three main tasks. First, we plan to develop general verification techniques for new classes of protocols that are of primary interest in nowadays life like e-voting protocols, routing protocols or security APIs. Second, we will consider the cryptographic part of the primitives that are used in such protocols (encryption, signatures, ...), obtaining higher security guarantees. Third, we aim at proposing modular results both for the analysis and design of protocols. Véronique Cortier is the leader of the project.

  • SecureChange(http://www.securechange.eu ) is funded under the 7th FP (Seventh Framework Program) Research area: ICT-2007.8.6: ICT forever yours. The project will develop processes and tools that support design techniques for evolution, testing, verification, re-configuration and local analysis of evolving software. Our focus is on mobile devices and homes, which offer both great research challenges and long-term business opportunities. The project is lead by Fabio Massacci (University of Trento, Italy) and it has started in February 2009 for a period of 36 months. Cassis is leader of the 7th workpackage (Testing). The local coordinator is Fabrice Bouquet.